Chapter Nine

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Two days had passed – or rather nights and Perttu had planned an elaborate dinner for his Bride. She was still asleep while he prepared it, and he hoped she would wake hungry enough to eat it. He was really trying to make an effort with her but also had things to tell her. Things that might only make the situation seem a lot bigger to her. But in reality it wasn’t to his liking either.

                He paused in peeling the vegetable to peer outside. The black of night held grey clouds and the moon, his only light, was slowly being covered up. Dark would be the night when the eclipse came. They had mere weeks left.

“Perttu?” The quiet voice of Lily broke him from his train of thought.

“Ah you’re awake. How are you feeling?”

                He was pleased to see she had grown more confident in his presence. She no longer looked uncomfortable but took a seat at the table and even rested on of her legs on a separate chair the toes of her shoes lightly resting on the edge. He like to see her relaxed and was sure it was the painting. She had started at once to paint him a beautiful painting and he was forbidden from looking at it until it was completed. He had to say; he was rather excited to see the finished product.

“I’m alright, I still feel tired from changing my days and nights around, but I’m getting used I think.”

“That’s good. I am glad.”

“What are you doing?”

“Making you a meal. Why don’t you paint for a while or read a book I will be preparing this for a while.” He explained.

                Picking up from the worktop a tiny circular thing he unwrapped the sweet and came over to her. “Taste this.” He said and waited until she opened her mouth, rather hesitantly. He fed her the little sweet and waiting until she laughed that delicate sound, high and feminine that made his skin tingle with pleasure. “I feel like a child.” She muttered as she relished the childish sweet.

“I went out last night and got you some from an acquaintance. There is a whole bag of them, don’t eat too many at once though.”

                She gave one of her signature smiles, her ruby red lips turning up and the tiniest hint of the pearly white teeth behind them could be seen. He loved to see her smile and it was a recent thing. Only the previous night had he been witness to her smiles and he hoped to see many more of them.

                She went out of the kitchen, up to the private floor. She had donned one of the long dresses he had bought for her, she had proudly shown off a new one each day now and she made the long trail of material swish around after her as she walked. He gave her many dresses of the style she was used to. Fitted at the middle, using a corset to pull her in, but the skirt was long to her ankles and puffed out all around her so sometimes he wondered if she could fit through the doorways.

                He had however given her some dress accustomed to his people. The female brides. He knew she would not wear them at once, that it would take some time to get acquainted with the clingy material that showed of her figure by hugging it from breasts to ankles. She had the figure for such daring clothes and as vampire they did not follow the current style of the society they were around. They had their own morals and that was; to look good for each other. Brides and the mates liked to keep their other half in a constant state of temptation. The females liked to be beautiful and make their mates proud to have them. There was always a fear that their mates whether bride or male, would feel ashamed to be around them when there so much beauty in the vampire world, and so they dressed to impressed at every part of the day. Of course they were mates and there was no hint of shame in showing her off. He would show off Lily if her hair was wild and she was in men’s clothes, but he knew the same thing in his mind would be in hers. Everyday he wore pressed trousers, and a pressed shirt, that he wore casually. He let the ends of it sit outside of this trousers, not tucking it in., it hugged his own figure better that way, showing of his streamlined but muscled body. He wore his collar up so it rested under his ears, and he let the cuffs on his shirt arms loose so the material flared around his hands.

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