Chapter Thirteen

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Perttu and his father weren’t there when they got back and Berneice wanted to make her another meal. Her skills in the kitchen were returning to her memory and she was excited to be able to try them out. Lily had not the heart to deny her that simple pleasure. Especially since she was being so kind and encouraging to her. Lily excused herself for a little while to continue with the painting upstairs. It was almost finished. Another night maybe and it would be complete.

                She had just added the finishing touches on some of the trees in her background when the door downstairs creaked open signalling that Perttu was back, she hurriedly put everything away and fled down the stairs to greet him.

“Hello.” She said as he was shrugging off his large cloak. Adon was doing the same and took his son’s cloak from his hands so Perttu could greet her back. Not wanting to push her too far, just grateful that she was there to see him through the door Perttu picked up her hand and brought her knuckles to his mouth. A chaste kiss on the hand was all he was willing to take from her at that moment. He wanted to court her, to woo her and he was instantly pleased with his subtle decision when she smiled a radiant and relaxed smile in return.

“I bought you something to day.” She said happily.

“The day shopping was for your benefit. Not mine.” He put an arm around her back at her waist and led her into the kitchen where Berneice had scuttled back off when the tantalising smell of food had reached their noses.

“But it was beautiful and I thought it matched your appearance.”

                She worried now that he would not like the pocket watch she had gotten for him and fiddled with her fingers to let out her nerves. The little box was sitting pride of place on the kitchen table and she eyed it up. Following the direction of her eyes Perttu could see the little blue box that was in the middle of the table. “Is it in here?” He asked. She was not going to give it to him with her own hands but he could tell that was due to nerves. Saving her from the action that would raise a blush to cheek he picked it up and pulled at the thin ribbon, tied decoratively around the box.

                He popped the lid and inside saw a little silver pocket watch, and it did fit his appearance. It looked tasteful and wasn’t large or bold. It was subtle and that was the look he always tried for. “In like it.” He looked her in the eye when he said that, the truth ringing out to meet her ears. She raised her eyebrows in hope. As though she doubted that he could like it.



                He took it from its box where it had been wrapped in tissue paper and pinned it to the top pocket on his waistcoat.

“I think it suits, do you not think so?” He asked.

“It suits.”

“Right then my dear, it’s ready.” Bernice came walking over and interrupted their private moment by putting down a little casserole. Lily smiled, the distraction only made her want to spend more time with Perttu. And she guessed that that was Berneice’s plan.

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