Chapter Twenty Five

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The morning after the night before and the world was much darker than she had imagined. She came round lied in bed with her legs entangled around Perttu’s and his fingertips running up and down her arm lightly. She recalled the moment when he had stripped of her clothes with precision and care. He had seemed to savour every second, his lips had skimmed her skin and she breathed in, now, the smell of him besides her and remembered when those lips had brought shivers to her. Good shivers though, ones of upmost pleasure.

                She had tried to undress him with as much slowness and careful hesitance as he had her, but she couldn’t. She had waited for this moment and wasn’t nearly as nervous as he seemed to be. The muscles of his arms stood out and she skimmed them with a tiny graze of her nails when she took off his shirt. She was knelt on the bed facing him, looking into his eyes, when she took off his belt and when she pushed him to the bed he rolled her over and took control. That only excited her more.

                Laying in the bed, waking up she thought of what had transpired after, it was without a doubt the best day of her life and he had changed her. Before his very eyes she knew she had changed. Her insides first had changed so they no longer accepted food but blood and while that was happening blue lights had seemed to wrap around her torso. Like vines from a plant they wound around her and yet never touched her skin. The deep blue colour had spellbound them both and she felt no pain. The light merely told her where exactly her body was changing. Perttu had even sat back to watch such an extraordinary change. Her shoulder seemed to feel heavy and it was with an adorable look on his face that he watched her.

“Don’t worry,” He had said, “It’s the bond between us protecting you from any pain that would otherwise occur.”

                Back to reality she turned her head to what had once been a very light colour birthmark. A few shades darker than her skin it hadn’t immediately drawn any attention. But now, it was beautiful. As black as night it lay on her pale skin so apt with the creature she was now. She would be living in a world devoid of bright lights. Once she had thought she would live in darkness, now she knew it wasn’t that bad. The mark looked much better in black, the swirls and angles of it stood out and she would never forget it was there, it meant Perttu would also always be there. Finally glancing over to Perttu she looked at his shoulder. The same image, in the exact same place as hers was the same ‘birthmark’ but it was in red. A deep, rich colour representing blood. She traced it.

“Do you remember the day?”

“How could I forget?”

                He put his hands around her face and pulled her to his lips. He kissed for only a few seconds before he thought back to the significant moment when her lips had darkened in colour, shade by shade he was witness to the transformation and then came the moment when she had had the urge to open her mouth and allow her fangs to grow. That took a while and Lily had been a little uncomfortable so on her naked body he caressed and kissed her. Just to relax her as she was plunged into the unknown.

“You are vampire now.” He said to her between running his tongue along the length of her fangs. The memories began to recede for both of them.

“I know our weakness.” She glanced at him and then to the boarded windows. That feel of fear crept up on her again.  

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