Caulscott/Max x Nathan (lis)

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A/N: Inspired by the fanfic: The sense of me. (Dean is Nathan's older brother)
A/N: After sacrificing Chloe, but Max helped Nathan with the trial.
TW: depression, anxiety, ptsd, hospitals, death (murder)

Nathan's Pov.

My eyes opened and I look up to a grey plafond. I turn and put my blanket over myself again. I stay like that for 10 min and then I get up. I put my "clothes" on. I wish I had my orange jacket there.

I sit down on my bed and grab a book. I looks at the title. "How to survive my parents" My hand begins to shake and I throw the book against the wall. A small "Why" comes out of my mouth.

The door opens and a women comes in. "Hey Nathan, it's your first day here" The women says. I don't say anything and just stare at the wall, my hand twitches.

"My name is Grace and I'm pretty much always here, I'm sitting at the desk downstairs"
I still don't react and trace my blanket with my hand. "If you want to talk, come down stairs" Grace walks out the door. When the door closes I stand up and hit the wall with my fist.

*Two days later*

I get up and put my hospital clothes on. I look at the book that still lays on the ground. A shiver runs up my spine. I grab the book and look at it. It has a colorful cover. My hand starts to shake again.

"If I ever write a book it's gonna be called 'how to survive your parents'" I'm sitting on my bed with Dean next to me. "Haha that would be a great book for sure" I say, taking a drag of my pot. "Yeah I've enough inspiration
for a series with 20 books" Dean says. "True" I say while smiling.
End flashback

I'm back in the reality because my phone pings. I walk up to it and unlock it, leaving the book on my bed. It's message from Victoria.

Vic:Hey Nate, how are you doing? I heard you don't talk to anyone, so I wont be mad if you don't reply. I still want to be friends with you, or best friends. I'm so happy that the trial went so well. you only need to be in there for 1 year. You don't even need to go to prison. I'll visit you when I can. ILY -Vic

I throw the phone to wall. I have a special phone case so it can't break. I sit on the bed again. I pick up the book. I open it start reading. 30 min later I'm still reading. The door opens and Grace steps in. "Nathan you've a visitor" I look up confused. "A girl named Maxine Caulfield..."

Pain hits my chest and I begin to shake.
"Why is she here"  I say whispering and shaking. "If you don't want her here it's okay and-" Grace says. "No let her in" I interrupt. Max steps in and she looks even more beautiful then the last time I saw her, if that's even possible. She looks scared. "Hey Nathan"

"I'll leave you two alone but Maxine if there's something wrong push that red button" Grace points at a button. And then Grace walks out the door. "Max, never Maxine" she mutters. "Hey Max" I say, looking at her brown locks. "I'm not to be rude but why are you here?"

"I want to help you. And I forgive you for what you did because you're mentally ill and she shoved you" she says and I can't believe it.
I feel tears coming in my eyes. "Sorry" I say to her whispering. And then she pulls me in a hug and I'm surprised by it. But I don't overthink it and hug her back. "I love you, that's the biggest reason why I forgive you and helped with the trial" She whispers. I didn't expect her to ever say that. "I love you too" I whisper with tears streaming down my eyes.

She releases me out of the hug. And I can't help myself. I kiss her. And she kisses back. After a few seconds I stop the kiss and look her in her face. "Do you actually like me?" I ask. "No" she says. It stakes my heart. And I think about how I could have ever thought she would like me. "I don't like you... I love you" She says smiling. My heart fills with fire. "Well, I do very much love you too" I say blushing. She pulls me in a kiss. And I drown in happiness.

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