Cazzie/Izzie x Casey Atypical

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A/N: I'm back yall, here's my new obsession. This is a bit stretched but I just felt like doing that... Pure FLUFF

Casey POV:

It's winter, delicate white flakes hit the window every once in a while. They are all unique like humans. The trees and bushes outside are slowly being covered in a blinding coat of white. I'm staring out of the window, immersed in thought. I miss Evan, he would always come over on Christmas evening. We would give each other presents, laugh and cuddle. But I don't love him as much as I love Izzie. She's simply so perfect. I just wish she was here. She promised that she would be here at six, but I got a text saying that she would be late.

I look at the clock hanging in the living room, it's 20:22. The snowing has increased, I can't see the street clearly anymore. It's calming though, the white mass dancing in front of my eyes. I stop staring outside and slump down on the couch, curling into a ball. I'll just take a nap...

Izzie POV:

Great. I'm incredibly late. I had to put my siblings in bed, and they were very whiney. I have my backpack with my essentials on, I'm staying at Casey's tonight. I can't wait to see her again tonight and to give her my present tomorrow. I'm struggling to walk through this insane weather. I have my hands shoved in my pockets. It's so freaking cold, jeez. I know that I'm close to her house, but due to the weather, I can't see it yet. 

Finally, I am standing in front of her door. I knock. No response. I knew that her parents were out tonight, and Sam was with Paige. I knock again, still no reaction. I look under the flowerpot and get the extra key. I unlock the door and take off my jacket and scarf.

I walk into the living room and see Casey. She's snoring lightly, curled up in her Christmas sweater. I sit down next to her on the couch and nudge her.

Casey POV:

"Good evening beautiful"

I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the light. I look right into Izzie's sparkling eyes. She waves a key in front of my eyes. "I had to let myself in" I look at her confused. Then I realize. "Oh Iz, I- I'm so sorry. I just dozed off. I didn't think I would sleep that long and-" 

She kisses me. "You're such a dork," she says, laughing. "Your dork," I say, now also laughing. "What time is it?" I ask, getting up. "Quarter to nine, I'm sorry that I'm so late. The kids wanted my attention" she says, giving an apologizing smile. "It's fine, I'm just happy that you fought your way through the snow outside just to see me," I say. "I would do anything to see you," She says, pulling me down onto the couch. 

"Can we just cuddle and watch a movie?" she says, pouting. "Fine, I'll make some hot chocolate," I say, kissing her on her forehead. I get up. "I'll set up the movie," she says. 

I put the mugs down on the table. "Carol?" I ask. "Yes, a gay Christmas movie. What else could we want?" she says, grinning. "Well, let's watch it, " I say. I grab her by the waist and pull her down onto the couch, into my lap. She starts the movie. I kiss her neck. "I love you" I murmur into her neck. "I love you too" She whispers. 

A/N: I never even watched Carol. Anywho, I hope yall enjoyed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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