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"You ever going to tell her?" Adam mused as he lifted his beer bottle to his lips again, taking in a handsome amount of the liquor as their previous classmates paraded around them. "Tonight's the perfect night." He continued on, patting his best friend of ten years on the back. "Everyone's drunk, happy that the seniors of 2010 are back together-"

"I don't know if I can." Chase shook his head, cutting off his best friend quickly. He didn't need to get his hopes up, have himself believing that this could turn into something more. He didn't need to believe that simply because he spilled about his feelings to his high school crush from five years ago, that anything could happen. Especially since nothing had happened back then. The two had never gotten past a polite conversation. "That was five years ago, man. I don't even know if I still feel that way about her."

"Almost six." Adam teased back, getting a small glare back from Chase. Adam nodded, pushing the empty beer bottle away from himself and across the bar. It was an odd place to hold a high school reunion. In the town hotel across the street from the high school, and in the hotel bar no less. But the atmosphere, and the large amounts of alcohol, only helped everyone unwind. "It's kind of an awkward time to have a high school reunion, anyways. First, it's February, and second, the year count is off. Six years? I mean, five is pretty quick as it is, but six is just..." Adam left off, watching as his best friend quickly turned his attention to the door in awe. He knew what that meant. He had seen enough of that look during high school.

Chase knew it had been five, correction, six years since the last time he had seen her. He almost had himself under the impression that because of all the time that had passed, his feelings would be gone. That his feelings would have just vanished, leaving this girl as just someone he had been slightly intrigued with years ago. But no. She still had to be drop dead gorgeous, wearing one of the tightest, and shortest, black dresses he had ever seen. This in itself, was only making it harder for him to breathe.

Bree Henderson, president of the pep club, and registered pretty, yet unnoticed girl, of the class of 2010. Mission Creek High had been very exclusive to the athletics, so Bree being the pep club president, didn't mean much in terms of climbing the social ladder. Even though she had been supporting the athletics along with everyone else. The boys had still taken notice of how attractive she had been, despite her low social standing. Chase would be honest in saying the girl got around enough to have had a few dates with the captain of the football team. Chase himself had simply been another nerd that had fallen for a girl out of his league. Typical high school underdog.

"You going to go say hello?" Adam asked as he elbowed Chase gently on the arm, nodding off towards the girl that had just entered the bar. Chase shook his head, adjusting his collar slightly in an attempt to lower his raising body temperature. He even unbuttoned the top two buttons of his dress shirt to adjust. He suddenly felt far too overheated. Bree still had quite the affect on him.

"No." Chase swallowed hard as he turned back around to face the bar, his right hand gripping hard around the beer bottle in front of himself. He could hear her greeting the other girls, gossiping about how their lives had been since high school had ended. "She wouldn't even remember who I am." Chase brushed off, not wanting to talk about the matter at hand any longer.

"Didn't you two have economics together?" Adam questioned. "I thought you guys were like, table buddies and partners on every project. Most girls don't forget about that." Adam laughed it off, knowing for a fact that Chase had helped her ace the class. Bree had to have accredited Chase to something. "And you guys had two gym classes together. Or that one baby class-"

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