Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


He could still feel her lips on his, the way the kiss seared through that quick moment the night before. He could still feel the cool air brushing against them as they pulled away. The saddest of them all, he could still see the tears welling in her eyes as she walked away. Even though he couldn't stand the mere thought of that moment being their last together, he had come to accept it. It felt right, in an all too wrong way. Despite their feelings for one another, they needed to stay apart. Chase knew deep down that it would have never worked. Especially given the circumstances.

He was wrong to ever assume that something could have happened, romantically. The two hadn't seen, or talked to one another, for years. Bree had since formed a life of her own, one that she had worked hard for. One that Declan would now live along with her. If the two had been together for five years, they had to have been doing something right. Even if Bree wasn't totally happy. She had to love Declan in some way. Otherwise, she would have left him before, or even in the moment before he proposed. She could have said no.

"You going to be okay?" Adam sighed as he leaned back against the doorframe. The two had stumbled upon the back patio of the hotel. It was an area that most would forget under normal circumstances. But today, a wedding was to scheduled to be held. The small area looked absolutely gorgeous. There were long tables, each covered in light gray table cloths and pristine white table runners. There were flowers hanging off of the folding wood chairs, and the tables had already been set for the night to come.

"Yeah." Chase breathed as he stepped out onto the patio. He had run off the night before without telling Adam what had happened. Instead of skipping town afterwards, however, Chase decided to stay the night. He wouldn't be able to see Adam for a while, anyways. He needed to be here while he could.

"What happened?" Adam ventured, the man pushing off of the doorframe and making his way over to his best friend. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants as the two glanced about the area. "After I pushed you out to talk to the guy." Adam chuckled lightly, cutting himself off quickly after as he watched Chase's face fall. Adam knew how hurt his best friend was. Chase really did love Bree more than Adam could ever imagine.

"Declan told me he was going to propose. He wanted me to distract Bree." Chase started, his eyes narrowing at the memory. "I grabbed her and pulled her outside. She didn't know what was wrong." He closed his eyes, the kiss playing over again in his mind for the hundredth time since it had happened. "I kissed her, one last time before she went back inside the tent."

"What!" Adam exclaimed, giving Chase a look of worry. Chase rolled his eyes.

"She told me she loved me, Adam." Chase went on, ignoring his best friend. "I never knew that." He shook his head, Adam taking a step to the side. Adam's eyes bounced back and forth across the small patio area. Neither one had anything more to say.

Adam shook his head before running a hand through his hair. He could have predicted this would happen. Not the proposal of course, that had come out of nowhere. But Adam had known that the two would have been pulled apart by the end of the trip. As much as he had tried to force the two to stay away from one another, he had seen the way that the two looked at each other. It was impossible to deny the attraction, or the love, that the two shared. It wasn't a surprise to hear that Bree felt just the same as Chase did. "I'm sorry, man." Adam muttered, patting his best friend on the sounder. "I tried-"

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