Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"So you're telling me, you two slept together last night?" Adam asked, a sly grin playing out on his face as the two walked past the concession stand. The game was nearly ten minutes from starting. All the alumni, and the parents of the current student body, were up in the stands. Chase had yet to find a place to sit along with his best friend.

"Yeah." Chase muttered, shaking his head at the mere thought of the two. He had held last night up on such a high pedestal until Bree had broken the news to him. Ever since then, he couldn't help but feel as though he should have never come back here. It was only bringing up bad memories, and bad feelings that he had been hoping to forget.

"And she has a boyfriend back home." Adam stated simply, stepping aside to follow his best friend up the steps to the top of the stands. Adam had been captain of the boy's field hockey team during their time in high school. If it would have been any other sport, the two would have ditched the game to go to some bar in town. Or they would have just driven home.

"She has a boyfriend." Chase nodded as he pointed over towards the opposite side of the stands. There were a few seats left in the left corner at the top. "A serious boyfriend. They've been dating for five years or something."

"Then why the hell did she sleep with you?" Adam scoffed loudly, gaining the attention of a small family of four seated just below them. His expression dropped off his face as he held up his hands in defense. "Sorry, kids. My best bud's having a crisis. Had a bad sleep over." Adam brushed off as the parents held their hands over the two children's ears. Chase shook his head and fisted up a part of Adam's t-shirt, pulling his best friend forward and towards the edge of the stands.

"Can you not yell every time we talk?" Chase hushed, the two taking their seats. Chase allowed Adam to have the seat on the very edge near the other set of stairs. He would be waiting for someone.

Adam shook his head before pulling a bag of peanuts from his pockets. He had come prepared. "Maybe I need to yell." Adam laughed surely, his eyes scanning the field for their home team. This was the championship game, after all. "This is pretty important stuff. Especially since she never told her boy toy-"

"Boyfriend." Chase corrected before Adam slowly turned to face him.

"I was talking about you." He smiled snidely. Chase rolled his eyes and swiftly slapped Adam on the shoulder. "Look, man." Adam sighed. He let his bag sit on the stand next to him as he looked over to Chase. Adam knew his best friend well enough to know when he was upset. Bree had been his everything, and now, she had just broken his heart a second time. "Bree isn't worth it. She dated half the guys when we were in high school, anyways. And it sure sounds like she's gotten around since college, too. If she slept with you, who knows who else she's cheated on that guy with. She's probably got some nasty STD sometime-"

"Adam!" Chase hissed lowly, slapping Adam on the knee this time as Chase turned away from his best friend.

"What? I'm not saying you got anything. As long as you-"

"Adam." Chase huffed, standing from his spot to greet Bree as she shuffled her way over to the back edge of the stands. The girl held a wide smile on her face, holding three water bottles as she stopped just in front of Chase.

"One for you." She said as she handed a bottle to Chase. Bree smiled before leaning around Chase. She held out a cool water for Adam, only getting a glare back in return. "One for you?" She asked warily. Adam pulled the bottle from her grasp, tossing it back and forth between his hands before he looked back out onto the field. Bree sighed as she straightened herself up, Chase giving her an apologetic smile. "I guess the water isn't the only thing that's cold." She muttered, getting a quick laugh from Chase.

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