Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"Do you think they're going to have all the hockey players riding in one convertible?" Chase laughed as the two best friends made their way down the sidewalk. The entire town was still buzzing after the amazing win at last nights' field hockey game. The players had seemingly stayed out all night, and were most likely hung over as of this morning. Chase hadn't been surprised when word of the parade down Main Street was announced. It just meant that the players would be forced into a moving vehicle in their hung over state. Who would want to miss that.

"Probably." Adam sighed, the two stopping along a practically empty corner near the end of the street. They would miss the of the parade from this spot.

"You doing okay?" Chase teased, the man patting his friend on the shoulder gently before waving him forward. Chase took the lead, Adam following a bit behind as the two made their way further into the crowd.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Adam shook his head, trying to brush off the subject. He didn't want to talk about this any longer. He didn't need Chase fixating himself on the topic. It would only ruin his mood, and his trip had been going so well otherwise.

"Okay." Chase spoke warily, the two coming to a stop as Chase turned around to look at Adam. "Bree said to meet her-"

"I'm actually," Adam paused, the man looking down to his feet. "I'm going to go see my parents. They're leaving sometime tomorrow so I won't be able to talk with them at all. In person, anyways. Unless I go now." Adam rambled, shaking his head once more. Chase frowned, watching his best friend closely. Adam never acted this way.

"You're not going to watch the parade?" Chase repeated, getting a quick nod back from Adam. "Is this because of Bree? You were fine with coming until I mentioned her." Chase spat back, crossing his arms over his chest. Adam shook his head as he pushed his hands into his pockets. This was exactly the situation that he had been hoping to avoid.

"No." Adam squeaked before clearing his throat. Chase gave Adam a knowing look. That was when Adam knew he was caught. "Fine!" Adam groaned, the man throwing his head back in he process. "She's nice and all, I know that. I just don't want her using you. Or playing with your feelings anymore." Adam huffed out a quick breath as he crossed his arms over his chest. Chase shook his head, feeling his phone buzz in his pocket. That would be Bree.

"Can't you just get over it?" Chase sighed, his eyes revealing how sick of this he was. "I know you're looking out for me, but I've got it handled. Yeah, maybe I'm-"

"Still in love with her." Adam chuckled, the edges of his mouth finally curving along with his words. Chase laughed lightly and nodded.

"Maybe." He smiled as he shook his head. "But I've got it. This reunion was supposed to allow me to tell her how I felt anyways, and I did that. For once, I finally-"

"Grew a pair."

"Adam!" Chase hissed. Adam held a wide grin on his face as the others standing around the two turned. He waved, the people instantly turning back around. "Just, go if you want to. Maybe I do need some time alone with Bree." Adam nodded, holding out his hand for his best friend.

"I'm pretty sure the two of you got enough alone time last night. And the night before." He whispered with a sly grin. Chase rolled his eyes and shook Adam's hand roughly.

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