Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Their team had won, causing an uproar just after the game. The entirety of the population of the town had rushed the field to lift the players up onto their shoulders. Chase was almost positive that there would be a parade the following day. Their old high school hadn't won a sporting event since their class had graduated. It was nice to see they had left some legacy behind.

Chase could feel a pair of eyes set on him as the three made their way back into the hotel lobby. Not one of the three desired to bar hop along with the rest of the town, only to watch the high schoolers get noticeably drunk and have to hide it from their parents. They all knew that story far too well.

"What do we eat?" Adam groaned, the man pushing past the two 'lovers' before walking over to the bar. The bar, the one in the hotel lobby, was the very bar where Bree and Chase had began their own reunion the night before. Bree couldn't help but let a smile hit her face as the three hopped up onto the bar stools. It was nearly eleven at night, the bar was still open for another hour or so.

"We eat..." Chase left off as he spun around in his seat, the man overlooking the small bar area of the lobby for some sort of room service menu. "Something." He muttered as he rose to his feet once again. Bree turned, watching as Chase stumbled about the lobby. The area was small enough that the large amount of chairs stuffed inside would cause him to trip at one point or another. Bree shook her head as she turned back around, resting her elbows up on the bar and taking in a deep breath. She was alone with Adam, and after the time the three had had at the game, she wasn't exactly looking forward to it.

She could see Adam glancing back and forth between Chase and the bar. She also took notice of the fact that Chase had somehow wondered off down the hallway towards the elevators. He was most likely looking for some brochures, something, that would allow the three to eat a regular meal. The peanuts at the game didn't exactly leave you with a full stomach.

"Now that we're alone." Adam started, the man scooting over and taking Chase's previous seat next to Bree. Adam could see the way Bree tensed with his words. He knew she didn't want to talk.

"I'm sorry-"

"You should be." Adam cut her off, his eyes showing how serious he was about this matter. "Why did you do it?" Bree's eyebrows furrowed together with his question.


"Why," Adam paused as he leaned in closer to her, "did you sleep with my best friend?" He iterated for her. She shook her head, the girl swallowing hard against the lump that had now formed in her throat. She was nervous, Adam could tell that much.

"I don't know-"


"Adam!" Bree hissed, glaring him down as a silent tell for him to lower his voice. She huffed out an aggravated breath as she mulled over his question once more. Why had she done it? Why did she use Chase in that way after all this time? "I'm being honest." She whispered, her eyelids fluttering open and closed as she spoke. "I have no clue. I shouldn't have done it, I know that much. But what I don't know, is why."

"Did you have feelings for him back then?" Adam whispered back, taking the hint as he did a scan of the lobby. The town was beginning to disperse, meaning their previous classmates would be returning to the hotel. Not only that, but he couldn't have Chase hearing him.

Bree nodded surely, finally finding the courage to look back up to him. "I did. I never had the guts to tell him, but I did." She reassured. "I think I was in love with him." She spoke softly, unable to contain the blush that now resonated on her cheeks.

"You think, or you know?" Adam corrected, his voice raising ever so slightly to get her attention once more.

"I know." She whispered faintly. She shook her head, batting her eyes once more in an attempt to force the tears away. "I loved him, and I was curious if those feelings were still there- still here." Bree sighed. She could see Adam shaking his head at her, the man obviously not willing to give his stamp of approval.

"You're still toying with him." Adam reminded as he ran a hand through his hair. "Even if you are confused about your feelings. I know he's-"

"Just as confused." Bree finished for him, nodding along. "I know."

"Then don't." Adam ordered sternly, catching a glimpse of Chase out of the corner of his eye.

"Don't what?"

"Don't, mess with him." Adam repeated a second time, getting a quick nod from Bree. "It'll just end with the both of you getting hurt." He muttered before Chase made his way back over to the two. The lobby was almost silent, the only sound being the bartender cleaning just behind the bar, and the sound of the footsteps as their drunk classmates made their way back inside the hotel. Adam stood from his seat, gently pulling Bree up with him.

"What'd you find, buddy?" Adam asked happily, giving Bree a quick side glare when Chase glanced down at the menu in his hands.

"We could order room service-"

"Great!" Adam cheered before ripping the menu out of Chase's hands. "They have these papers up in the rooms?" Adam asked hopefully, getting a nod from Chase before he handed the menu back to his best friend. "I think I'll dine alone tonight. But you two crazy kids have fun." Adam smiled as he patted Bree on the back, leaning in quickly for a side hug. "But not too much fun." He whispered.

Bree could feel her heart pounding as Adam walked away. She and Chase stayed silent, the both of them watching as Adam turned the corner to the elevators. Each of the three had rooms up on the top floor of the hotel. Chase turned back to Bree, a small smile on his face as he held up the menu to her. "Just us then? We could share a pizza or-"

"I think I'll head upstairs, too." Bree muttered all too quickly, shaking her head at herself afterwards. "I mean, it's been a long day, and we sort of had a long night last night." She rambled numbly. "I think it's best if we both get some rest before the alumni dinner tomorrow." She finished. The girl gave Chase a small, awkward wave before spinning on her heel and stalking off towards the elevators.

"Did Adam say something?" Chase called after her, the man taking large steps to catch up with the girl as she waited for the elevator. His face showed his concern as he met up with her once more, the girl was tapping her fingers against her bag nervously. She had a habit of doing that. Even back in high school.

"He didn't say anything." Bree mused with a small smile Chase's way. "Nothing I didn't need to hear." She muttered with the elevator doors opening for the two. Chase frowned and jumped in along with her, his fingers pressing the buttons quickly as he now had Bree trapped and forced to talk with him. Otherwise she would have run, never telling him what was really wrong.

"Whatever he said," Chase huffed as he rested his hand down against the railing along the back wall, "disregard it." He shook his head at even the mere thought of what his best friend could have instilled in her. "I've missed, hanging out with you. We don't need to think, or talk about what happened last night. I just want to spend time with-"

"Okay." Bree interrupted him, a small giggle escaping her lips as she reached out for his hand.

"Okay?" Chase repeated, his own smile growing with her touch.

"I'll forget what Adam said, and we can eat dinner together." She laughed gently as the doors slid open. "That's what friends do." The two nodded to one another as they exited the elevator, neither one knowing where the night would take them. But Chase could keep the smile off his face as he opened his hotel room door for her once again. He couldn't help but hope that someday, they would be more than friends.


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