Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


His mother had previously agreed to join him at the dinner, but she had declined last minute. Chase had his suspicions that Adam had called, telling her what all had happened over the last few days. Which, had deterred her from joining in on all the fun. Sarcasm intended.

Chase was almost happy she wasn't there to witness his current situation with Bree. His mother of all people had known how hard it had been for him in high school. Hiding his feelings all while being friends with the girl. His father had left only half way through Chase's time in middle school. Donald Davenport had left to start his own company, and within a few years, he had married another woman. Chase did like Tasha and her son, Leo, but it just wasn't the same as having his parents together. Especially since his father leaving had caused Chase himself to see less of his mother once he entered in on the company himself.

"Are you sure this tie matches?" Adam questioned as the two stopped just outside of the tent. Their class president had been quick to decide to hold the official reunion dinner in the field of the school. There was a large tent set up with a floor rolled out for dancing.

Chase nodded as he reached out and pulled his best friend's hands away from the tie. "It's blue." Chase scoffed, giving Adam a teasing grin. "Everyone, and I mean everyone, will be wearing blue. No one will care if you're wearing the same shade of tie as you are your jacket or your shirt." Chase laughed along with the punch Adam threw into his back.

The two made their way inside, the party in full swing as they did. A few girls near the entrance smiled and waved Adam's way, none of their old classmates ever recognizing Chase. Adam waved back, the girls catching his attention instantly. Chase shook his head and walked on towards the small bar that had been set up towards the back, leaving Adam behind. If Chase was going to make his way through this last night with his old classmates, he would need the assistance of alcohol.


"One scotch neat and one lemon drop." Bree cut in, sending Chase a small smile as she took her seat next to him at the bar. Chase smiled and shook his head, pushing himself up to sit next to the lovely lady in blue.

"How'd you know that's what I'd be ordering?" Chase whispered into her ear, watching as a shiver shot down the girl's spin. She shrugged her shoulders up and down, allowing her elbows to rest on the bar as the bartender for the night set their drinks out in front of them. Bree handed the man a five dollar bill before spinning around in her seat to fully face Chase.

"I just assumed all businessmen liked scotch." She laughed gently as she lifted her own drink to her lips, taking in a small amount before setting the glass back down on the bar.

"You're representing school colors." Chase noticed as he motioned towards her dark blue dress. The top was a sheer black, a sweetheart neckline drawn out before the dark blue material took over. He couldn't help but notice that Bree didn't exactly have a knack for wearing long dresses. Each of the dresses she had worn were all too short for someone not to think she was trying to impress someone, or to get someone's attention.

"I had to." She brushed off as she glanced about the room. "It's the last technical night, even if you aren't leaving for another couple days." She teased before pressing her lips together. Chase smiled, the man internally gaining the courage to reach out for her hand. She gladly took it, her own fingers curling around his hand with the touch. He watched as an almost uncertain expression played out in her face.

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