Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


A dream come true. That's how Chase would classify the night before. Everything about it, the first kiss, their talk before and after, even the way that she had cuddled up against him in her sleep sometime during the night, had been more than he had ever expected. His expectations from beforehand, from back in high school, were nothing compared to the reality of the night before.

"There you go." He muttered as he handed her the iced coffee she had ordered. She sent him a small smile, the girl gladly taking the drink before she rose from her seat. There had been a small table near the window of the coffee shop the two had walked down to. Bree had chosen to sit after Chase had made the offer to buy her a morning coffee... More like afternoon coffee. The pair hadn't gotten up until twelve.

"Thank you." Bree mused with a small smile. Chase watched as her eyes darted off towards the door. "Do you want to walk back to the hotel?" She asked, her eyes hopeful as Chase sent her a small nod. The two took slow steps towards the exit, Chase holding the door for the girl before they had made their way out of the small coffee shop. "You're a gentleman if anything else." She laughed as the two began the short walk back to the hotel. It was the only hotel in their small town that no one could ever find. California was a big fish compared to where the two had grown up.

"Why thank you." Chase grinned happily from ear to ear. A small silence enclosed the two as they continued on down the sidewalk, neither one wanting to be the first one to break it. The silence was comfortable, it gave them each a sense of security and a feeling of being home as they walked down the sidewalk. Chase would admit that he had missed it here. The way you could see the sky without worrying about the bit of smog that was now taking over the city he lived in. He could feel the cool breeze blowing against them, and he didn't have to worry about someone walking up beside him and taking his wallet. The perks of being in a small town.

"When do you have to leave?" Bree sighed, the two continuing on down the small path to the hotel. Chase shrugged, motioning over to the park across the street. A few children were out and about, but the majority would be in school.

"Want to take a detour?" He whispered teasingly in her ear, getting a small laugh from the girl. She nodded, the expression falling off her face as Chase reached out to grab onto her hand. He gently led the girl across the street, the pair stopping as they reached the grass. The play sets were all wooden, Chase had forgotten about that. "I'm not leaving town for another couple of days." He shook his head, dropping her hand before the two made their way around the edge of the park. Bree smiled as they stopped off near the swing sets. He nodded, following her towards the swings as the two took a seat next to one another. Bree held her coffee between her legs as she sat, her feet grazing the ground as Chase kicked back and forth.

"So you're staying for the field hockey game and the alumni dinner?" Bree assumed as she glanced back at Chase. He nodded surely, pushing the toes of his shoes into the asphalt beneath them to slow himself down on the swing.

"Adam wanted to go to the game, and my mom wanted me to stay for the dinner." Bree laughed, a wide smile hitting her face. "Then Adam and I are going to stay another night to relive old times," Chase paused as he glanced about the park, "I'll have breakfast with my mom the next morning, and then I'm back to the city." He elaborated, Bree's eyes showing her interest as she picked up her iced coffee, her index finger pointing the straw towards her mouth. "How long are you here?"

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