(4) Don't Wanna Know

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Do you think of me ? What we used to to be?

Is it better now? That I am not around?

I'm loving you so, so, so

The way I used to love you..


How is it possible for someone to sleep so much? I wish I had that gift. I can't keep my eyes shut for more than six hours. But god has granted Mr. Aman Dass the gift of sleeping for long hours.

I have been waiting for him to call because I didn't want to be the first one to reach his grandmother's place where we are going to live together for the next two months at least.

I had visited her place and I guess we should be highly obliged that she was giving away her place for us, 'rekindle' our romance. That was not going to happen though but she was someone I really respected a lot and she was right, it was wrong of us to not inform her about our divorce. In India, you marry the family as much as you marry the guy. If not that, then at least out of respect we should inform all the elders.

I used to get a little annoyed with his 12-hour long disappearance into dreamland but that went away when I watched him sleep.

Now I wasn't going to watch him sleep anymore.

So I could be annoyed.

And I was.

I called him and he picked up on the seventh ring.

"Hmm...",he answered. Not a hello. Just like I predicted. He was sleeping.

"Aman? It's 11. We were supposed to meet your grandmother at 1030!"

"Hmm...right..," came a very sleepy sing song voice. Also really sexy. "Are you ready?"

Yes, from the past hour!

"Yeah, just got done. Look, I don't want to face her alone. Just tell me when you will reach her place and I can see you there."

"You can move your stuff in the evening then. I will tell her you had to go to work. I take it, you must be getting late?"

"Not in the evening. I am going out for drinks with some work friends."

He paused for awhile and didn't reply.

"Which friends?"

"Hey.....you can't ask me that." I said with a fake giggle. Suddenly this conversation became a little bit uncomfortable. "I went out for drinks yesterday too. And look ? I am all well."

"Hhmm..so now you are a regular drinker ?"

"Hey don't judge me. Let's not forget your drunken sprees! You have gotten high and scared me to death too many times."

"That was just once, Mira. I drink with sensible guys which are mostly my cousin brothers. Your friends? I don't trust."

"Don't treat me like I am stupid. You got high so bad..it was 2am and I had no idea where my husband was! You act all mature but to be honest, you just think with half of your brain!"

"That's because you ate the other half!"

"Well aren't you glad that I am not your wife anymore? The other half is going to be..just fine!"

"Mira, sorry, drink with whoever you want. It is none of my business. See you there at 12." And then he hung up.

I felt a little bad. I shouldn't have said that he can't ask me that.

But he is right.

It really isn't his business anymore. He shouldn't be concerned. In fact give it time..he is soon going to be like, Mira? Who Mira?

There is no such thing as love. Men don't fall in love. They fall in love with sports or cars. Women ? No. I am not cynical or anti affection. It is just the truth. The sooner we all accept it, the lesser our hearts will ache.

As I was packing all my clothes. I found a picture. It was our first picture (actually a selfie) we took in our honeymoon suite about two years ago, as a married couple. The picture made me a little nauseous.

2 years ago

was a nervous wreck. Never thought I am going to be the kind of woman, who is going to be afraid of her first night.

Come on, you idiot. You have dated the man for five years. You have nothing to be afraid of. I told myself.

I looked in the mirror of the bathroom. My cousin sister, as a wedding gift had booked us in a beautiful resort just outside the city for 2 days before we could leave for our honeymoon.

I probably didn't even need any make up. My face was flushed red. Did I look sexy ? Or was he going to laugh and be like, " Honey. Come wear your PJs. Lingerie is not your thing."

I have been here for twenty minutes. He is going to worry now. I better get out.

My feet were stuck to the cool tiled bathroom floor. At the time, buying this skimpy lacy thing seemed like a good idea. Now, all I needed to do was buy some confidence.

I had even gotten waxed in places I can't name just so I could sport a perfect body. Because all this lace hardly hid anything.

Okay, its not like he hasnt seen your body before. Just get out. He can probably draw a map of your body now. There is no need to be nervous.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Honey, are you alright?"

"Yesss, of course," I chirped. "Will be right out!"

I wasn't this nervous when four hours ago I was around the pire with him. Suddenly this thought warmed me completely.

The anxiety lifted and happiness filled in. Oh my god.

I am his wife now.

This wonderful man is my husband.

How dumb it was for me to waste any second. Even if I was going to walk out of here in icecream printed PJs with a hello Kitty top, he would have still taken me in his arms.

He made me his wife, didn't he? Now I was going to make him mine tonight.

I was going to do things to his body, he hadn't even imagine.

I was going to make him remember this night forever.

Suddenly all anxiety lifted and I got out of the bathroom.

I went towards the bed and between all the duvet, there was my husband. Handsome and sexy as always.

Also, asleep.

I sighed heavily. Then just got inside the bed with him. As he felt me get inside the bed with him, his arms wrapped around my waist. I closed my eyes and soon I was off to sleep.

Well it wasn't how I imagined but it wasn't bad either.

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