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Even in my early twenties, I knew that I wanted to be a mother. The site of my little girl, Amyra, was like a dream come true. 

It took me a while but after some physiotherapy and medication, I was doing better than ever. I could finally take care of Amyra on my own. We were lucky that we had so much help. Not sure how Aman feels about his mother and mother in law both living under the same roof and that too his roof but without them healing would have been impossible. 

They let me sleep when she woke up at night and most of the time tried to not disturb me as much as possible when I was resting. But now that I was doing well, both of them sat me down yesterday to teach me how to fall into routine with Amyra.

But that is just impossible. At just three months old, this girl is a like hail storm. She doesn't sleep until you rock her in your arms and when you think she is asleep and put her down in her crib, she will start crying again.

Basically, she will only sleep in your arms otherwise she will cry. 

Last night was the first time ever that Aman and I were alone with Amyra. She woke me up at around three am, after feeding her and putting her back down,  she started crying again around five. 

The most annoying thing is that Aman sleeps so peacefully. Its like he has magical earplugs because I swear, I checked whether he was wearing anything or not. 

But anyway, since I am going to the gym from today, he has kindly offered to take care of her until I come back. 

"Are you sure, you are going to be fine?" I ask one last time as I grab by gym bag. "It is just one hour. Maybe I should go  after she turns one or something." 

"Mira, she is my daughter too. Now gooooo.." he said and grabbed my hand, leading me towards the door. 


As I parked the car in our apartment building, I checked the time on my phone. It was just nine thirty and Aman had to leave by ten. 

We had moved back to his grandmother's place. Since he had sold his old house and the previous place we were staying in was small, so for now we were staying back here again. I wonder if any couple has moved so many times as us.  

Reaching on our floor, I opened the door with my spare key. Aman was carrying Amyra around the living room in a circular path. As soon as he saw me, he looked relieved. 

"Is she supposed to cry like that? She has more strength than we do!" he exclaimed. I laughed, "Yeah, and you manage to sleep in this noise." 

"I am definitely gifted," he replied. "I think she is the most beautiful female in my life and I love her but I am a little scared right now." 

I smiled. 


Aman's POV

Even though the doctor gave a clean chit of health to Mira, almost a week ago, I still wanted to take it slow. She had refused to get any help and said that we already had a cook and a maid, so she wanted to care for Amyra on her own. 

It was almost evening now and I had just gotten done with a meeting. As I got home, there was already some feeling in the air. 

Something was wrong. Mira saw me and headed to kitchen. Handing me a glass of water, she sat back on the couch with her laptop. Her eyes looked slightly red. 

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