(14) Kiss

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This chapter will also be in Aman's POV.

Mira hadn't said a word ever since we began eating.

Mira isn't someone who stays quite without a reason. It's only when she has gotten bored of speaking, or she is meeting someone for the first time as she is a little shy.

Or when she is upset.

What did I do now?

As I scooped some pasta in my spoon, I passed her some garlic bread. "I warmed them in the microwave. Have some?"

"No, I am fine," and continued eating without even glancing at me.

Fine? Definitely something is wrong. "You love garlic bread, Mira."

"It's alright, you can have it all."

I saw her expression. She was a bit glum. She wore a little make up not much. I noticed that she only started wearing make up again recently. Her wavy hair were straightened today into a pony tail. Her eyes were Kohl rimmed which was something she did most of the time.
Her lips appeared glossy but her natural pink lip colour was visible. Her upper lip was slightly darker than t
he lower lip. On the side of her chin, was a little pimple.

"You have a pimple," I remarked, trying to make conversation. "Wasn't there yesterday."

She glared at me. She always did that. It was fun.

She went back to eating, sipping a beer I had gotten for the both of us. She was dressed very casually and laid back. Well fitted jeans and a white shirt. The first three buttons of her shirt were open, revealing a little cleavage.

I highly doubt that she did that purposely.

After a second sip, she made a face. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"The beer is making me feel nauseous," she said.

"That's funny," I said and sipped some myself from her can. "It's fine."

"Alright," she said and went back to her glum expression.

"Mira, is something wrong?"


So we are going to play the No game. I think this is a problem with all women.

Or this one in particular.

I know there is something wrong. She knows there is something wrong. We both know there is something wrong .

But she has to deny it a hundred times before she finally decides to tell you.

"Mira, you are awfully quite," I said with concern. "Did I do something? Please tell me."

"You know what you did."


Is that why I am asking you? However I didn't want to wake the dragon so I switched to another reply.

"No, tell me? I can't bear the silence."


Now she was trying to wake my dragon. She knows I hate it when she says nothing.

Especially when there is clearly something.

I looked at her with a frown. She observed me for a minute and then finally spoke.

"It's just all the memories. I am just sad it's all over."

I got up as we both had finished eating and put the plates in the sink. I gave her a glass of water.

"Say something," she pestered.

"I didn't choose for it to be over Mira," I replied. "What can I say to you?"

I couldn't bare it any longer. I moved closer to her and put my hands gently on her waist. I looked in her eyes but I didn't see any denial or hesitation in her expression. I bent down and softly kissed her. She tried to stop me but I overpowered her with a stronger, rougher kiss and a few seconds later she kissed me back.

She placed her left hand on my left cheek and the other on my chest. Feeling her soft, cool palms on my cheek and a bit of my chest, I pulled her closer to me. My right hand had slipped in her shirt and was now directly touching her on her waist.

But then her phone started ringing breaking us both from our trance.

She quickly backed away and my hands left her.

"you should take it," I said. She was probably trying to make sense of what just happened. None of us were drunk this time.

She looked at me for a few seconds more before receiving the call.

"Oh, hey Raven..." I heard her say before she went to the other room to talk.


I know if Mira finds out she will be extremely angry.

She might never speak to me again.

But I don't trust Raven so be it.

It helps if the hotel is owned by your friend.

I am sitting at the bar and it is 11. None of them have spotted me. They have been here for about two hours. I had no plans of coming but it was 1030 and she wasn't home so I couldn't help myself.

I will always be fiercely protective of her. No one is going to take advantage of her on my watch.

I saw them get up. He put his hand on her back as he escorted her. There table was on a platform and she was in high heels. So he took her hand and helped him come down.

He said something and she started smiling. Instead of going out, they went up the stairs. I called a waiter.

"Find out where those two right there," I pointed at Mira, "are going."

"Sir, we don't spy on our customers. That is Raven sir. He has a shoot here tomorrow morning. I will get in trouble if he finds out," he replied.

I called Avi, immediately. The Shangri-La was a celebrity paradise, and he was the owner, also my good friend. Most of the customers here were brought here through my agency. Foreigners often used my company to plan their Indian trips and I made sure Avinash got a big bite.

Half an hour later, I was informed what I wanted to know.

"They were at the hotel boutique shopping sir," a bell boy said to me. "Sir was buying the lady, a gift. I also heard him ask her to go to her place now. She was seen leaving with him in his car."

Mira left with him for the night ?

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