(18) Fading

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Fighting flames of fire 

Hang on to burning wires

We don't care anymore

Are we fading lovers?

We keep wasting colours

Whoever said that the person can who can make you the happiest is also the person who can make you the saddest was so right. 

After giving me the silent treatment Aman finally talked to me. 

"Mira, I need to tell you something," he said. He looked really serious. After what he said before about me leaving soon,  I think he wanted to ask me to leave or something now. 

"Yeah..what is it?" I said very slowly. As if my slow replies were going to prolong the inevitable. Aman asking me to leave. 

"I went to Raven's place last night," he said. "I thought you would know by now but if that were the case then you would have been fighting with me."

"You ....what? How did you even know where he lived?"

"Remember I dropped your friends home when you all got drunk ? I dropped him off too. I remember his address."

Well, he was always great with his G.P.S.

"Umm...okay. But why?"

"I thought you would be with him."

What was happening? Why would he think  I was with Raven?

"Why didn't you just call me if you were worried about where I was?"

"I knew where you were. You were on a date with him at The Shangri-La. And then I got to know you left with him and I just figured that I might find you there."

"How did you know where was I was? Who told you I left with him? And what did you do when you went to his place?"

"I will tell you everything just sit down first, dont get angry just yet."

I decided to listen to him. I settled on the couch and he sat beside me.

He told me he got curious about who I was texting back when we were back in our place. So when I went to pay for the lunch he ordered in, he grabbed my phone and saw his texts. He found out about the dinner date and couldn't resist himself. Since the hotel is managed by one of his friends, he decided to go in after all. A bell boy told him that he saw me leave in Raven's car.

At first he decided to let it be and not get involved further but he just couldn't take it. He thought we might have drinks and things could lead to something he can't take. So after awhile he went to Raven's place.

Raven opened completely shocked but informed Aman that I wasn't with him but back here.

"So, I spoke to him." He said.


"He said he loves you and he isn't backing away unless you say so. He said you have feelings for him too. That you are happier when you are with him."


"Mira..Then I realised what I was doing. You chose to divorce me and now I was stalking you on your date. I am being impossible."

"Aman I wasn't on a date. In fact he asked me if we could date after the whole thing."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything but..."

"Mira. Don't give me any explanations. You should be mad at me. I was stalking you. I invaded your privacy. See, I wanted to fight for you but if you are finding happiness with someone else then I won't stand in between. I wanted to break his nose yesterday but... " He stopped talking. He looked really upset.

I was so confused. I was so angry that he didn't ask me and just followed me but he thought I was on a date, which isn't true.

I didn't know what to say. I was at so much conflict.

"Do you love me Mira?" He asked.


"Wrong answer." He said and got up and left.


I called Raven.

"Mira, I have been texting and calling all day. Did I make you upset last night that you sent him over to talk to me?"

"No, I didn't. Raven, what are you thinking?"

" I just got divorced and now I'm back to living with the guy, how do you expect me to date you?"

"Mira, I just want to make you happy."

"Then be my friend, Raven. You are not being my friend."

"Mira, you don't know what you want me to be. You are emotional right now. When you move out of his grandmother's place, you will get some space to think clearly."

"Raven, your offer isn't exactly helping."

"Well, then I will clear myself. Talk to me when you are ready." And then he cut off."

Aman had left for I didn't know where. It was evening and he still wasn't back.

I don't know how I feel. When Aman is around I crave for the way we used to be and when he isn't then I miss him.
Why didn't I tell him that ?

I just remember all our problems and the biggest one that separated us and then I get all confused.

But I don't want to see myself with anyone but him. I should have told Aman that this was my answer to Raven.

Well, I should call him.

It rang fully but he didn't pick up. I called him back.

"Hello.." he said on the seventh ring.

"Aman, where are you?"

"With my cousins. We are going for drinks. Do you need anything?"

"Aman, I didn't go on a date with him. Please believe me."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you to be upset. He was the one who sent the roses and..."

"And gave you that expensive braclete that I saw on the dining table. He has got huge thing for you and you don't seem to mind."

"Aman, I bought it. It's not what you think!"

"Mira, I don't know what to think anymore. Look, let me be out. Clear my head. Don't expect me to be home, I might stay over at their place. Bye."

And he cut off.

I have messed up real good.

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