Chapter 19

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Lot's of time skips have happened. But don't worry, it's only until the next chapter. Warning: This Chapter may contain stuff about periods. If that makes you uncomfortable, please do not read.

One Month Time Skip..... LAST TIME SKIP!!!

Artemis woke up to a sharp pain in her side. "Ow!" Artemis said as the pain got more intense. Wally bolted up from his side of the bed.

"What's wrong Artemis? Is everything okay?" Wally asked concern flooded his eyes.

"Yes Baywatch, everything's fine. It's probably just some cramps that come before that time of the month...."

"Okay, if you say so. I'll make you a hot bath in the morning how about that?" Wally asked.

"That would be great. I want to smell fresh for your party tomorrow anyway."

"Babe, you always smell fresh."

"Why, thank you Wally. Now, if the pain would go away I would like to get back to sleep."

"Yes, of course dear....."

The Next morning.....

" We can call off the party if you want," Wally said.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just on my period," Artemis said coming out of the bathroom.

"I don't want to see you uncomfortable, that's all."

Artemis laid on the bed sucking in her stomach. "I said I'm fine. If these stupid jeans would just button. I swear they fit last week."

"So, you're sure you want to have the party?"

"Yes. I'm sure. Ahhh, got it," Artemis said and pulled her shirt on.

"Good, now the guests should be arriving shortly."

"Okay. Go ahead and get the ice cream and cake out. I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay," Wally kissed Artemis's lips and left. Artemis went to the bathroom. She was definitely bleeding more than she usually does. But, that may be because her cycles have been irregular since the miscarriage.

Soon the team arrived and Artemis went down to join the party. She sat in a kitchen chair, trying to get in a comfortable position.

"It's time to light the candles!" M'gann said.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Wally, Happy Birthday to you! And Many More!!!" The team finished singing.

"Blow out your candles Baywatch!" Artemis said coming getting out plates.

'I wish Artemis and I had our twins,' Wally thought and blew out his candles. The team cheered, but Artemis doubled over in pain. 

"Artemis! Are you okay?" Wally asked.

"Look!" Barbara pointed to the floor, where blood was gathering under Artemis.

"Okay, this is definitely not a period. Dick, call Dinah!" Wally yelled to his bestfriend. Dick nodded.

'What was Artemis having? Another miscarriage? Did something in her body explode?' So many things were running through Wally's head he didn't notice Dick waving his hand.

"WALLY!" Dick yelled into Wally's face snapping him back to the present. "Dinah's ready. She wants you to get Artemis up to your bedroom, pronto."

All Wally could do was nod.

Soon Dinah arrived and shooed everyone out of the bedroom except Wally and Barbara. Dinah took a look at Artemis and gasped.

"What? What is it?" Wally asked as Artemis cried out in pain.

"Wally, Artemis is... is...."


"She's pregnant!" Dinah said.

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