Chapter 28

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Wally walked into Artemis's hospital room.

"Any progress?" He asked Dinah. Dinah shook her head slowly.

"Where are the twins?" Dinah asked.

"With Barbara and Dick. They said they were giving me a day off."

"That was nice of them. Do you want me to leave?"

"Um, I was just going to talk to Artemis."

"I'll give you two privacy. Call me if anything major happens."

Wally nodded and watched Dinah leave.

(Okay, now start the video)

He looked at Artemis and sat down. He sighed and got ready to tell her the dream he had last night. "I love you."

"Last night I had a crazy dream. A wish was granted just for me, it could be for anything. I didn't ask for money, or a mansion in Malibu. I simply wished, for one more day with you," Wally sang and brushed Artemis's loose strands of hair off her face.

"One more day. One more time. One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied. But then again, I know what it would do. Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you," Wally sang and tears fell down his face.

"First thing I'd do, is pray for time to crawl. Then I'd unplug the telephone, and keep the TV off. I'd hold you every second, say a million I love you's. That's what I'd do, with one more day with you," Dinah, hearing the singing, walked back to the door and watched Wally.

"One more day. One more time. One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied. But then again, I know what it would do. Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you," Wally sang, not stopping the tears that fell onto Artemis's hospital blanket.

Dinah was surprised when his voice got quiet. "One more day. One more time. One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied. But then again, I know what it would do. Leave me wishing still, for one more day ," Wally sang, "Leave me wishing still, for one more day. Leave me wishing still, for one more day...... With you."

Wally kissed his wife sadly and laid his head on her stomach.

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