Chapter 21

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Artemis smiled as Dick held her and Wally's son and daughter. Dinah had transferred Artemis to the hospital and the team followed. Artemis could tell from the look on Dick's face he was in awe.

"He'll be a great dad," Artemis said looking over to where Barbara was sitting. Barbara smiled and went over to Dick. He looked at her with a boyish grin.

"Look at what women are designed to do. Isn't it amazing? It's great how God created them. Can we have some? Kids I mean?" Dick asked Barbara. Barbara looked like she might cry as she nodded. Then she went over to Artemis.

"How are you holding up?" Barbara asked.

"Meh, I'll survive. Giving birth is no picnic. Especially if you don't know you're pregnant," Artemis said rubbing her sore stomach. It felt like someone punched and stabbed her repeatedly in the abdomen.

"Well, how was it? Giving birth I mean?"

"Like I said, it's no walk in the park. But it is a special moment. It's nothing like I've ever felt before."

"Would you consider having more?"

"Not right away. No, but maybe after a couple of years and after I forget the pain. Who am I kidding. I will never forget the pain."

"Hey Artemis, sorry. Rose had to go take a nap," M'gann said coming over to Artemis and Barbara.

"No problem. I-" Artemis was cut off by Alexis's wailing. Artemis wished she had captured the look on Dick's face when he look over at them. It was priceless. She would have burst out laughing if she didn't hurt so much.

"What do I do?" Dick asked.

"Give her to me," Artemis said as Dick handed Alexis over to Artemis. Artemis patted Alexis's back and unbuttoned her loose hospital gown and brought Alexis up to her breast. Alexis latched on quickly and hungrily as Dick watched with amazement.

"Hey bro, get your eyes off my wife's bare chest," Wally said walking into the room seeing Artemis breastfeed his daughter. Soon Aaron started crying and was handed off to Wally.

"I love you, my most amazing, wonderful, favorite wife in the whole wide world," Wally said and kissed Artemis's hair.

"Aren't I your only wife?" Artemis asked and chuckled.

"Details my Spitfire, details," Wally said. Barbara smiled.

"I've go to go. Dick, you coming?" Barbara asked as she headed for the door. Dick nodded and kissed both babies on their heads and left. The rest of the team soon left too leaving the new parents with two sleeping babies.

"I love you," Wally said.

"I love you more," Artemis said kissing her husband on the cheek.

"Not possible. I knew the day I laid eyes on you, you would be the one I married," Wally said.

"No you didn't," Artemis said.

"I did. Now, you rest," Wally said placing the babies in their hospital crib and kissed his wife once more. Artemis fell asleep quickly and Wally sighed.

Though his wife had sweat everywhere on her body and her hair was matted down to her head. Her lips were pale and her face was flushed, he thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

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