Hey guys ! So I'm back !! I've been really busy with school so I am so sorry that I haven't been on recently ! But I hope you enjoy xo- Em
And read my story Resolution! It's about Harry Styles mmmmm hehoho -Haz.
“Kent was the most important person in my whole entire life.” I take a big deep breath before I continue. “Um, I’m sorry.” I suck the tears back in and continue. “Kent always told me even at a young age that I meant the world to him and that if a guy ever hurt me, he’d beat the crap out of him. Now mind you, the last time he said that was when he was about 14.”
“You know, sometimes, I feel like if I close my eyes and believe hard enough, the old Kent would be back and we would be kids again playing in the yard, going to the movies together. We’d be the best brother and sister combo you have ever seen.” I look down at my hands and twiddle my thumbs together. “A couple days before Kent had his terrible accident, he was sitting in the basement with me and he started playing yesterday by The Beatles on the guitar. I didn’t know what the song was but I really loved the way it sounded so I asked him. And so, he started singing the song horribly, and I told him to shut up because it would sound better if Dad sang it and Dad sounds like a dying horse when he sings.”
"I know I keep rambling but, I just want to say one last thing. The day Kent had his accident, he didn't really want to do much. I guess he had this gut feeling that something awful would happen that day. He just kept telling me 'Pres let's stay inside and watch movies' and he'd keep saying things like 'Pres I'll make you ice cream, I just don't think it's a good idea to go outside.'" I gave a little pause before I continued. “I was sitting in the waiting room playing sorry with Wesley at 2:34 AM when the doctor came in. He told me that he had called my mom and that Kent had a seizure and wouldn’t make it.” I start to cry uncontrollably. “And I guess that’s kind of coincidental because I never actually got to tell Kent that I was sorry. That I was sorry for not being the best sister, or for not being the best person, and especially for not helping him get through this like I should have. Instead I was selfish and self-consumed.” I look up at the ceiling of the church and one last time I say, “I’m sorry Kent.”
My mom and dad are the first to come up to the casket. “Kent, I hope you’re having fun up in heaven. Please save me a spot up there. I will see you soon baby, I love you so, so very much.” My mom places her hand on Kent’s head and gives him a light kiss before going into hysteria.
We’re having a half open casket because my mom thought it looked nice. Kent is dressed in his favorite color, royal blue. The tux is black though, the vest underneath is royal blue along with the rose pinned to his jacket, above his still heart. There are so many unfamiliar faces here, but it’s so nice because they are all giving us warm condolences, something that we all need at a time like this. Wesley even brought his mom and Keaton. Drew was also here with them. This made me really grateful because now I know how much Drew really cares about me. Wesley crosses over to my mom and gives her one of his heartwarming hugs, and whispers something in her ear that made her face glow. This is the first time that her face has really glowed within the past week or so.
You know I’ve always wanted to be able to have my brother attend my high school graduation, or sneak out with me to a party at night, or even speak at my wedding. But the thing is, now that won’t happen and it just hurts so much to know that my brother won’t ever be able to witness those things, and I won’t be able to piss him off one last time or tell him I love him once more. I just can’t get it through my head that he’s out of pain now that he’s out of his misery. Kent never told us that he was in pain; he never squeezed the nurse’s hand twice to say that he needed pain medication; he never blinked twice to say that he was feeling drowsy. Even when the nurse told us that he was in a very terrible state, he never, not once, told us that he was feeling like he was slipping away.
I never thanked Kent for that either. For never making my mom, dad, or I worried about him. When he started building his muscles back up he tried real hard to smile whenever we came to visit him. And when he would smile, I knew that took a lot of energy out of him so I’d always say “Kenty, you have a beautiful smile but you know what’s even prettier? Mine.” And if I was lucky, he’d be able to work up the energy to laugh. But his smile was a very beautiful one. It was the kind of smile that could light up the New York skyline. The kind of smile that made people fall in love over and over again.
It’s the kind of smile that makes me wish that this is just a horrifying nightmare.
I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS ! Again , this chapter was short because I just needed to get right to the point ! Please tell me what you guys think ! I'll be updating the next chapter tomorrow most likely ! Just because you all deserve it ! Sorry for not updating consistantly xo -Emilia
Fanfiction// Emblem3 // " ... and it was never meant to happen like this. We were so different, but somehow, we just clicked ... "