Chapter 8 - "That's The Thing About Dating; It's Not Exclusive."

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 This is another long chapter guys. Hey, you should know me by now lol


               Chapter 8 – "That's The Thing About Dating; It's Not Exclusive."


I'd been awake for ages. I say ages, it was around two hours. I'd say that was pretty damn long when you spend it doing nothing. Just lying there. Even after what felt like the longest night ever, sleep refused to claim me for the night.

I had always been so sure of myself, in my decisions. Over the past ten months, I had been so sure that should Darius ever come back, I wouldn't hesitate to take him back. I wanted him back that badly I would have done it at the expense of myself. I was afraid of being without him. I was afraid of not having him to hold me like he'd done countless times when I'd been hauled up indoors ill and sneezing. Of not having him to cuddle up to in bed. I was afraid of being alone. And without him, that's how I felt. Alone. Like no other man could feel the same in my arms. Like no other man could make me feel as intensely for them as I did for him. Which is stupid, right? I have too many years ahead of me to think I'd be alone forever so that was just pathetic. But at the time I couldn't shake it.

Darius had been a fixture in my life for so long he was almost habitual. I was so used to him that to drop him felt as though I was going cold-turkey and suddenly I was being forced to kick a habit I was in no way ready to kick. But I did want to kick something though; his balls.

I'd spent those couple of hours staring directly at the ceiling above me, blinking away at nothing but thinking about everything. I had the whole of Reds replaying over and over in an almost psychotic, obsessive repetition in my head. Events mercilessly recapping themselves against the stark white of the ceiling like a film projector;

Of Darius calling me, showing up, telling me he loved me, telling me I was free. Of Malachy being an unexpected turn of events, of him sort of asking me out. Jackson telling Darius to fuck off, then extending an olive branch towards him after all this time. Kibbie finally finding out that Darius was back, and giving him the tiniest piece of her mind, Darius responding, and Malachy...God.

I hadn't known a more eventful night since university. And boy did I have many eventful nights at Uni. Both Kibbie and I did. And Darius...Mr gorgeous alumni at the time.

I couldn't stay in bed any longer. Throwing the sheet off myself and grabbing my chunky robe I trudged into the kitchen, yawning. Now I was tired? Now? Go figure.

I hadn't even boiled the kettle yet before Kibbie came in, snivelling, her hair a joyous mass of wild mixed-race curls. Or as she liked to say; coils. They were that tight, she had huge envious hair.

We'd all pretty much conked out as soon as we got back. Kibbie eventually got a little tipsy last night and had to have a helping hand from Jackson who—having had a drink but not nearly enough to be over the limit—had driven us home. But the night wasn't done for him so afterwards he'd met up with Malachy who'd finished super late. I don't think Darius was with them though.

For a short while afterwards, Darius had kept a safe enough distance away. But before I left though, he'd caught up with me. He apologised like Kibbie had for the scene, but said he wouldn't apologise for anything else seeing as he meant every word.

Pulling me aside and glancing down at me, he also told me he'd respect what I asked of him and keep his distance. He asked me if I was okay, I'd offered a cursive nod and fixed a smile before telling him I thought it was probably best for me to leave now. We had lingered a little too long as if milking the clock for all it was worth.

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