Chapter 9 - Liquid Spirit

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I literally sat here stalling on uploading this thinking "It's not ready, it's not reaaadddyyyy!! I neeeeed to edit again, I'm not sure about it!" Then thought f**k it! *click "save and publish".* Done! 

Now, I only just read through the comments on Chappy 8 and having said the next update would be in January, I found a comment by AlynaR asking me to update on her birthday which has now gone. I'm sorry I missed your comment, so I would like to say a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a good one! Hope you all had great New Years celebrations and your year is kicking off to a flying start!  And I was happy to know that you were all generally fine with the pace of this so far. Thank you :) Btw, keep an open mind about the end/later part of this'll see what I mean in the next one...


                                              Chapter 9 - Liquid Spirit 


 "Such a tune! Turn it up!"

Kibbie was in the other room when she called out for me to turn up the music. If there was one thing we always liked to do when getting ready it was blasting music. It was just this thing we did to get hyper for big nights out, and Reggie's party was looking like it was going to be one of those nights.

As you already know, Kibbie found any damn excuse to party at least once a week, I totally knew she would go to this one, and with Malachy going tonight, I too had a reason to be just as excited.

I was excited by the prospect of seeing him again and was so looking forward to it that as the time rolled towards it I almost felt a sense of anxiety. But honestly, it still didn't temper the thrill I felt for tonight. Of course, I was now aware he had a few girls numbers in his phone and after laying my cards on the table so early on about where I stood, I initially felt easier about that at least. But between then and now things had rapidly changed between us.  

The day I'd gone to see him at Reds to talk had led to a later conversation that night. He'd called me on his break when he had a moment to himself and we'd spent it talking, with me mostly smiling. But that moment to himself hadn't lasted long as Malachy was soon joined by his boys at work and I could hear them teasing him for being 'up all night on the phone with a girl without actually up all night in bed with a girl.' I could tell he was trying to shush them too, he joked they were making him look bad. I could even hear a guy--who'd identified himself as Reggie--yelling down the phone in his best playground voice that he liked me. I giggled at that.

As I turned the music up like Kibbie had asked, I was now being yelled at to put it higher. The fact that she had to practically scream over the music probably suggested it was loud enough, but what the hell, I wasn't bothered about the neighbours for now, this track was an absolute tune and they wouldn't have to put up with it for very long. We'd be out soon anyway.

I started bopping on my butt in front of the mirror as I put my earrings in and was soon singing along, giving myself vanity looks in the mirror.

"I'm not feeling my hair right now, Bree!"

I huffed and got up walking out of my room and into Kibbie's. She was checking her angles from both sides and just stood there staring her hair down like they would do battle.

"What's wrong with it?" I walked up to her now. I really couldn't see what the problem was. She'd styled it out and turned her awesomely wild coils into huge waves. I honestly had no idea how she did it but it looked longer this way and pretty freaking amazing. "It looks so pretty, though, and sexy and raawwr." I said with a mock clawing of my hand.

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