Chapter 15 - Blood Sweat and Tears

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Firstly, in the last part of Chappy 14, when Darius comes out from Jacksons, I didn't realise I wrote that he exits with Jackson and Cristal. He doesn't. He comes out by himself so I'm gonna correct that.

Secondly, this is the start of a turning-point in the story. As you probably figured from the ending of chappy 14, both Darius and Malachy meet in this chapter. They've only met once before. The difference being that the first time they met it was for them to finally be confronted with each other; Darius was drunk, they were at Reggies and they had people to get in the way and keep them apart and no chance to really say anything. That chapter was basically for them to finally know that the other existed. Now, with this chapter I knew that when they did meet again, no one else but Bree would be there and also, due to the fact feelings are running high, something might go down, but it's not because of what many of you might, over some chick.

Thanks for all your patience for those who asked after the update and those of you who are still reading. I have so many drafts of this chapter I'm just hoping I put the right one up lol. Much love :)

                               Chapter 15 – Blood Sweat and Tears

"I see you're leaving. Without Bree. You have a knack for walking away. I saw you do it back at Reggie's. You remember that?"

I shot a look over at Darius, my eyes wide at him. He stood a good few yards away, and part of me thought he'd made a conscious decision to keep his distance, like he knew it was the smart thing to do. But if he was really being smart, he wouldn't have said anything.

Malachy simply froze, his back became a wall to Darius' words, his grip on the door no longer loose but taut now, those knuckles whitening again. His whole body was tightening and was a rigid reflection of all it was taking for him not to just get in his car and leave as he'd planned.

Or turn around and put those knuckles to use.

I noticed Malachy's throat move as he swallowed down hard. His action made me do the same damn thing.

"You're the one walking away right now."

"It's not the same thing." Malachy quietly responded, refusing to turn around. I was anxious now just looking at him. Everything about him looked to be itching as though Darius was an irritant to him, an itch, and Malachy looked like he couldn't wait to scratch the shit out of it.

"You really believe it's not the same thing?" Darius said.

"It's not."


My gaze pivoted back to Darius. Malachy's restraint was clearly ebbing away now, easily displaying that Darius was passing the stage of inciting him, and was now on the path to near enough provoking him.

"Darius, don't." I shook my head at him.

Malachy glared at me from the corner of his eye before darting away again. They'd glinted dangerously with caution but I could also see that he was holding back. I knew there would no longer be a reason to stop himself from doing what he clearly wanted to do. Darius would exhaust every last nerve Malachy had.

And that moment came.

"You're the one abandoning her."


I flinched, almost jumping out of my skin as Malachy slammed the car door shut with such force I was surprised Kibbie didn't just sit up like the waking dead. With that pound of the door, he spun around, sliding his arms from his weathered jacket and tossed it.

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