Chapter 12 - No Words

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First up, followers old and new HELLO! 

Secondly, big Thank You for being patient with me on this one. It's been a while, and to those who have asked about this update, apologies for taking so long with it, life gets in the way abit you know?

Thirdly, I just wanna say if you're one of those people who have messaged me telling me you cannot continue to read this story if Bree does not end up with Darius "SOON"(!) (I've had many of these msgs), just ignore this update. IGNORE IT!! You only have yourself to blame if you don't like what you read because you've been warned okay? Look, strangely enough I love Darius, I do, you might think I don't because of the way this story has gone so far, but nah, you are very wrong. But then again, I love everybody in this...

And btw with TMAAYM, I lost too much of my chappy 26 (after a laptop crash where changes weren't saved in time) to get it back to it's edited draft. In the state that it's in right now, just...nah, it can't go up, and I can't hold this chappy off any longer while I try to get my chapter26 in shape. I'm sorry about that. I edited this one on my phone so it didn't suffer like my ch26 did, but it took me forever and there may be a mistake or two...allow me, okay?

Anyway, much love as always, thanks for still sticking with the story for those that have, and hope you enjoy!  :)


                                              Chapter 12 - No Words


There's nothing like the never ending glow of golden street lights flooding pavements full of late-night revellers as you go. Aromatic food from the various eateries around us wafted through the air hitting my nose and watering my tastebuds everywhere I turned. A restaurant or bar at every glance, a club every few minutes, a hotel discretely tucked around a street, and as soon as we turned corners into other parts of Central, every street instantly turned into something different.

The lights continued and the wires and wires of lanterns above us now on Gerrard Street in Soho gave it this instant magic. As I looked up it occurred to me for a moment that this resembled another part of the year, that festive time of lights and colours and little unforgettable moments that had me feeling completely enraptured. A certain someone had me feeling even more so.

Malachy and I took a long walk, his arm slung comfortably over my shoulder draping a hand I now held in mine with interlocked fingers, my arm across his lower back with my hand tucked into his back pocket. I playfully squeezed his very cute bum as we went and he laughed, joking that I was not to get any ideas. He was laughing a lot tonight. In fact, so was I.

His steps matched in unison with mine but being taller his strides were bigger, and I listened, genuinely interested, as he talked about all the venues we were passing that I hadn't been to. I mean, if it wasn't for Kibbie, I didn't think I'd get out much because she dragged me out to just about everything. Not that I ever went kicking and screaming or anything, but still; she was in the know, I wasn't. But I guess that came with the territory when you work in the bar industry.

We briefly sat under one of the awnings of a bar called Stratosphere while he unveiled another hidden roll up, and that not so legal smell did nothing to put anyone off; they were all out in the designated area casually smoking their cigarettes anyway.

He wrapped an arm around me as we faced each other and I slid both of mine around his waist looking up into his face as he'd turn his head to blow away from me. He grinned at me now and gave me funny looks I couldn't help giggling at. "C'mon," he said, and took my hand as we continued on.

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