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Hope is laying on the bathroom floor unconscious.

*warning: may be scary/triggering to some*

Blood is oozing out of about seventeen cuts in on her right arm, and a bottle of pills and a razor blade are beside her.

"LIZZIE!" Lia screams.

Lizzie comes running over, and screams at the sight.

"WE NEED TO GET HER TO A HOSPITAL!" she breaks down.

"I'll call 911. You guys try to help her." Lizzie says, and runs into the living room.

"Hope, can you hear us?" Lia asks.

She puts her hand on Hope's chest.

"Her heart is beating." she confirms.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask, nervously biting my nails.

"Probably. This pill container is full, so I think she cut herself and passed out before she could overdose on the pills." Lia says, and shakes the pill container.

Lizzie comes into the bathroom.

"They'll be here in a few minutes." she says.

She bends over to see if Hope is breathing.

She touches Hope's throat.

"I can feel her breathing. I think she's just passed out." Lizzie says.

"The pill container is full. I think she cut herself first, and then passed out before she could try to overdose." Lia says.

"I want to take her to therapy after this. I don't understand why she thinks she's fat." Lizzie says.

"Lizzie, I feel like I'm causing her to feel this way. She wants to look like me. I feel really bad." Lia says.

"It's not your fault." Lizzie says.

"Hope sees herself different than we do. She told me how she saw herself, and it's COMPLETELY different than how we do." I chime in. (With a haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door. Sorry I had to.)

"What did she say?" Lizzie asks.

"She said that she saw herself with a fat bloated stomach, huge thighs, and a puffy face." I say.

Lizzie sighs.

"I'm glad she told you that. We need to get her into therapy immediately." she says.

A paramedic runs into the room.

"What's happened to this little girl?" he asks.

"She attempted suicide, or so we think. She had a problem with self harm and body image, and some girls at the pool called her fat. She ran away, and we ran back here." Lia says.

"Why didn't you get her professional help after you found out about this?" he asks.

"We're planning to after this. We're, well, famous. We're on tour." Lizzie says.

"That's cool, but we don't have time to talk about that right now. What has she done?" he asks.

"She cut herself about seventeen times with a razor blade. There are pills beside her, but the container is full. I think she cut herself first, and passed out before she could overdose on the pills." Lia says.

"She's still breathing." I say.

"Who are you?" the paramedic asks.

"I'm Diege, the girl who tried commit suicide's boyfriend. I'm taking a trip here, and I'm staying here for 1 night. The girl's name is Hope by the way" I say.

"How old is Hope?" he asks.

"13." I say.

He gasps.

"That's very young." he says.

"What are you gonna do?" Lizzie asks.

"Just give her some time to wake up. She'll be fine." he says.

He exits the jet, leaving all of us with hanging open mouths.

"W...what's going on?" Hope asks, sounding very tired.

"You're awake!" Lizzie says.

"Oh, I remember. I tried to commit suicide." Hope says.

"A paramedic was just here. We've decided that we're putting you into therapy. You're too young to be going through this." Lia says.

Hope groans.

"Why didn't Lia get therapy?" she asks.

"Therapy didn't help Lia. We had someone come talk to her after her second suicide attempt, but she didn't like the woman that tried to talk to her." Lizzie says.

I wrap my arms around Hope.

"I'm so happy you're okay." I say.

"Aw!" Lia and Lizzie say at the same time.

Even though we just met, I already love Hope.


So hey guys!

Sorry I haven't been updating, I'm running out of ideas.

Since Lia and Cole broke up, the door is open for James!

Should they become a couple?

I know that there's a 5 year age gap, and it isn't legal.

But I mean, it's only a few years, and in other fanfictions there have been big age gaps like that.

I don't think James could get arrested, I'm pretty sure it's not that serious.

I think as long as they don't have sex, it's fine for them to be in a relationship.

But idk.

Should a new boy come in?

Should Lia and Cole get back together?

If it turns out that Jay is still alive, should he and Lia get back together?

Tell me your thoughts!

I may have some of Lizzie's irl friends come into the story soon, who should I add?

Yammy, Oli, Kyle, and Calum are already in the story.

QOTD: favorite thing about the Christmas season?
AOTD: all the decorations and the Christmas spirit:)

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a happy and safe holiday, eat lots of food, and spend time with your family:) Bye beautiful💕 -Liv

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