Part 10: Mental breakdown

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Driving in tears, Lindsey cursed himself for ever leaving Stevie's side, pulling up in front of Stevie's building with out even parking; he parked up on the grass. He didn't care about parking tickets from cops, just to get in to Stevie's condo asap.

"Where is she?!" cried Lindsey as Karen answered the front door. "How can she be gone?!"

"I called the police, Lindsey, they are looking all over for her -"

"You mean she left the building?! Are you sure?!" frantically heading down the hall in to Stevie's bedroom, looking through her closet and bathroom. "Oh my God, baby, where are you?" speaking to himself then holding on to the sides of his head as he went back to talk to Karen. "This is all my fault," falling to the floor on his knees. "She doesn't know who she is right now; she's not herself, and anything could have happened! Oh, God, if I lose her forever..."

"Lindsey, stop! Stop it! We're going to find her, okay?" Karen tried her best to console him, knowing that she was a mess herself. "Look at me, Lindsey!" helping him stand back up, placing her hands on his face. "You love her, I know you do - I love her, too, but let's not give up. I promise, I called the police about her missing; usually they wouldn't start searching until twenty-four hours but the fact of who she is, she is an immediate priority."

"I can't sit here and wait, I can't!"  rushing for the front door as he got back in to his car, searching the streets for his lover.

Streets away, Stevie was mindlessly walking in a zombie-like fashion; people stared at her and even asked if she needed help but she ignored all contact.

"Home, home, home," she repeated as she walked with her arms wrapped around herself, shaking and stumbling about. A hand was rested on her shoulder as she literally turned her head to hiss, terrifying the young man as he just stared in disbelief.

"I got to go home, I got to go home," Stevie mumbled, running in to others.

By the luck of her stars, she'd stepped in to the street with out being hit, cars from all directions squealing their tires as Stevie stopped all traffic. The tears ran down her face because inside she knew what she was doing but her body was not of her control, limping through the cars as they all beeped and yelled obscenities. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," repeating her words below a whisper, reaching the other side of the street as she continued her journey to Malibu. It would normally be impossible with what she was about to do but it was done.

Making her way to her gated home, the gate opened with out the code; almost as if Stevie was doing all of this with her brain.

The front door opened just the same as the gate, Stevie stepping through with bloody foot prints; her feet were covered in blisters.

Because of the way she had entered on camera, security called the police, not even able to recognize Stevie on video as her hair was covering her face. Her disappearance was already viral throughout the Los Angeles police department, Malibu picking up on the case as they informed the other county. There were cops surrounding the home in minutes.

Lindsey got the call from Karen, speeding to Malibu and pushing through the group of cops, the Fire department having set up a net from the ground. Stevie was on the roof.

"Stephanie!"  Lindsey screamed in horror, watching as the woman he loved looked to be contemplating suicide. "Baby, don't you move!"

Being questioned on his idenity, Lindsey was easily let in to the house, making his way to the top floor as he tried to figure out just how Stevie climbed up there!

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