Seven years Emma POV
"Emma, wake up honey." I turned to my side on the bed and opened my eyes slightly to see Mom. "Five more minutes," I mumbled, closing my eyes. "Come on, sweetie, you can't sleep until noon. Let's go." I sighed and opened my eyes, setting up.
I stretched my arms and looked around my room. "I'll go make breakfast, get up," Mom said as she started walked out my room. "I'm up. I'm up," I mumbled. I dropped my head to my pillow again and closed my eyes.
My name is Emma Pierce. I'm seven years old now and living with my parents and two big brothers in a place call Pallet Town. My Dad, Alex was a Legendary top trainer but he stopped and decided to become a researcher. He had a laboratory of his own with researchers along side with his Pokémon.
My Mom, Alice was a Pokémon Breeder, I helped her a lot and she taught me a lot about Pokémon. My older brother, Ryan and my big brother, Danny are both Legendary top trainers.
I didn't have friends, well maybe, only one, I used to have a lot, but I stopped been friends with them 'cause they were friends with me only because of my family. There was only one best friend that was with me not because my family. It was Gary Oak. His grandfather, Professor Oak was a very close friend with my family. The professor was my Dad's teacher so Gary and I meet each other when the professor came to visit with Gray at our house.
I had three uncles, the one that was the closest to me was my Mom's younger brother, Uncle John. He was a researcher and he was sometimes working with my Dad.
Suddenly, my eyes opened and I sat up, smiling. I remembered Danny promised to play with me today! I pulled the covers off and jumped out of my bed. Ever since I can remember, my family was always busy so they never had the time to play with me.
I ran out of my room and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Mom and our cook, Hanna. "Good morning, Hanna," I said to the nice lady. "Good morning, Em," She said.
"Honey, go tell your brothers that breakfast almost ready," Mom said. "Got it," I said before running out of the kitchen. I rushed back upstairs and went to Ryan's room first. I opened the door slightly, without knocking and saw only his arm outside the blanket.
I smiled and looked at the edge of the bed to see his Pikachu sleeping as well. I rushed into the room and jumped on the bed, "Ryan! Ryan, wake up!" I called, jumping on the bed. Pikachu was the first to wake up, "Pika?" the male mouse Pokémon asked, looking around before spotting me jumping on the bed. He smiled, "Pikachu!"
Ryan slowly pulled down the blanket and opened his eyes slightly. "What?" He mumbled. I stopped jumping and sat on the bed. Pikachu jumped on my lap and I hugged him. "Morning, Pikachu," I said. "Pikachu," He said, smiling.
I looked back at Ryan, "Mom asked me to wake you and Danny up," I replied. He sighed, "I'm up," He said. "Wake up," I said before getting off the bed. Pikachu jumped into the bed and I ran out of the room as Ryan sat up.
I rushed to Danny's room and turned around to see Pikachu rushing out of Ryan's room and he followed me. I nodded to the yellow mouse Pokémon before opening Danny's door. I saw he was still sleeping and I rushed into the room. I jumped on the bed, "Danny! Danny! Danny!" I called, making him to sit up straight, wide awake.
Pikachu came into the room, "Pika!" He said, jumping on the bed with me. "What is it?" Danny asked, dropping his head into the pillow as he grabbed the blanket and pulled it to cover his face.
Pikachu and I stopped jumping. "Mom asked to wake you up," I said. He sighed, "I'm up, I'm up," He said and I jumped off the bed. Pikachu hopped on my shoulder and I ran out of the room, "Get up!" I called.
I rushed downstairs and went over to the dinner table, where Mom and Hanna were placing breakfast on the table. I looked around as Pikachu jumped from my shoulder to the floor. "Morning, Pikachu," Mom said. "Pikachu," He said.
"Mom, where's Dad?" I asked. "Oh, he won't be eating with us now, he already eat because he had to go somewhere," She replied. I sighed and nodded slightly. Soon Ryan and Danny came down and we started to eat.
"Are you two going somewhere?" Mom asked as I was helping her with the plates after breakfast. "Yeah," Ryan said and I looked at Danny, "But you promised to play with me today," I pointed out. "I did?" Danny asked, running his hand behind his neck, which he douse when he didn't remember something.
"Yesterday you said that you will play with me today," I said. He stared at me for a moment before his eyes grow soften, "Oh... I did," He said. He kneeled in front of me, "Can we play later? I really need to go with Ryan somewhere. When I'll come back I'll play with you okay?"
I sighed but gave up, nodding, "Okay," I mumbled. He ruffled my hair before getting up. "We'll be back soon," Ryan said before he and Danny walked out of the room. I sighed and glanced down on the plate that was in my hand.
"You okay, sweetie?" Mom asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I forced a small smile and nodded, looking up at her, "Yeah. Can I go?" I asked. She nodded as she took the plate from my hand, "Yes, go. I'll take care of it."
I nodded before running off. I went outside to see Danny and Ryan talking in front of Ryan's car. Ryan's Pikachu jumped from the roof to the opened window of the backseat and then my brothers got into the car.
I sighed and walked away, wandering into our big garden. I looked around, there were a few of my family's Pokémon yet they all looked busy too. I sighed sadly, I'm a kid! I wanted to play, what a boring life!
I suddenly had an idea! I rushed to the end of the big fences that separated between my house and the forest and looked around. No one was here. I looked up at the fences and started to climbed on it. I got to the end and jumped to the other side. I landed on the ground and looked back to see if one of the Pokémon went over but no one was there.
I looked ahead and rushed into the forest.

Electrical - Ash Ketchum {1}
FanfictionAt the world of Pokémon, a rich family with the name of Pierce was complex with legendary trainers and breeders, the 10 years old Emma Pierce starting her journey with her yellow best friend, a female Pikachu. Join Emma's adventure into the Pokémon...