Chapter 60 - It's Mr. Mime Time

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"Hey look, there's Pallet Town!" Emma said with a smile when she stopped at the hill. Her friends walked closer and stopped next to her. "Finally back home," Ash said. "Pika," his Pikachu said.

"Let's go to my house," Emma said and ran down the hill. "Wait for us!" Misty called with a smile as she ran after her, with the boys following. Emma slowed to a stop when she spotted a familiar figure close by near a lake. She smiled at her, "Hey, J--"

Brock cut her off when he rushed to grab Jane's hands, "Hi there," he flirted. Jane blinked at him, "Huh?" she asked in confusion as her Vaporeon jumped from the water. It blinked and looked up at Brock in confusion as well, as he flirted with Jane, "The name's Brock, what's yours?"

Just when Jane was about to answer, Emma quickly walked over and grabbed Brock by his ear, making him let go of Jane's hands as he groaned in pain. "Back off, hotshot," she warned, "This woman is spoken for!"

Brock looked at Jane in confusion but then he fell down when Emma pushed him away. She then smiled as she looked up at Jane, "Hey, Jane."

"Hey hon," Jane said as she placed her hands on the girl's shoulders with a smile, "Look at you, you've grown!" Emma chuckled, "It's great to see you."

"Jane? Is that the one your brother is getting married to?" Misty asked as she and Ash walked closer. "Yep," Emma said. Brock quickly stood up and rubbed the back of his head, blushing slightly, "Oh... sorry."

Emma petted Jane's Vaporeon on the head with a smile, "Hey Vaporeon," she said. "Vaporeon," it said with a smile. Emma's Pikachu jumped on Jane's shoulder, "Pika!" Jane chuckled as she petted her, "Hello, Pikachu." Emma looked at Jane, "Jane, I would like you to meet Misty, Ash and Brock, those are the friends I've been traveling with."

"Hey, it's great to finally meet you all," Jane said. "Same," Ash said. "And meet Togepi," Emma said as she held up the Egg Pokémon. "Togy, Togy!" it said with a smile. Jane took it into her arms, "What a cutie!"

"But, Jane, what are you doing here?" Emma asked in confusion. "Oh, I was helping my friend Stella, do you remember her?" Jane asked. Emma frowned, "Uh... I don't think so..."

"It's been years since you've seen her so I'm not surprised. Anyway, I was helping her find a Mr. Mime," Jane said. "Mr. Mime?" Ash asked. "Vaporeon!" Vaporeon said as it was looking to the other side of the lake. Everyone followed it's gaze to see a Pokémon was climbing up on something in the air. "A Mr. Mine," Jane said.

Mr. Mime is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon. Blue growths resembling clown hair extend from the sides of its pale pink head, and there is a magenta circle on each cheek. Its jaw is curved inward, resembling the mouth of a wooden dummy. It has a round, white body with a magenta spot in the middle, light pink arms and legs that connect to its body via magenta spheres, and small white coverings over its knees. Its white hands resemble gloves with magenta pads on the tips of its white fingers and its dark blue feet curl upward at the tips.

"Come on," Jane said as she handed Togepi to Emma, and ran with Vaporeon. Emma and her friends followed quickly and reached to the other side. "What is it?" Ash muttered as he pulled out his Dexter.

Mr. Mime, the Barrier Pokémon. It uses pantomime to make actual walls appear. Because it is rarely discovered, information about this Pokémon is extremely limited.

"Vaporeon, use Water Gun!" Jane said. The Bubble Jet Pokémon did as told but the attack didn't hit Mr. Mime. "Hey, how come it didn't get hit?" Emma asked in confusion. "That was Barrier," Jane said in annoyance.

"We can help catch it Jane," Misty said. Mr. Mime jumped down and started to ran away, "Mr. Mime!" Ash looked at his Pikachu, "Quick Pikachu, after it!"

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