After the opening ceremony of the League, Emma, Misty and Brock met up with Ash, and headed with him to the Pokémon Village Center so he could register. They stood in front one of the desk with a female worker. "Welcome to the Pokémon Village," she greeted with a warm smile.
"Hey, I'm here to sign up," Ash said. "I need your identification so I could check you in, please," the young woman said. Before Ash could pull out his Dexter, Brock moved in front of him to flirt with the young woman, "Ash can check in while I check out your beautiful smile, I can check that out all day."
The woman was startled and slightly uncomfortable, "Uh..." Luckily for her, Misty stepped in and pushed him away, "It's check out time for you Brock." She glanced at Emma, "We'll be outside." Emma nodded and she and Ash watched in amusement as the redhead girl dragged Brock out.
"Togy," the Egg Pokémon said with a smile. Emma, Ash and their Pikachu looked back at the woman. "Sorry about him," Emma apologized. "That's all right," she said as Ash handed her his Dexter. She opened it, "Mmm. Is this your first time at the Pokémon League?"
The female Pikachu saw a few books near by and grabbed one with she then showed Emma. "Yes," Ash answered as the girl placed Togepi on the counter and opened the book. The woman placed the Dexter in a machine and started typing on a keyboard. She then pulled out Ash's Dexter out and handed it back to the boy, "Well, that's it, you all checked in."
"Thank you. Uh, miss, who am I battling in the Indigo Stadium?" Ash asked. "Hold on, Ash, you don't start battling in the Indigo Stadium," Emma said as she looked up from the book. "What do you mean?" Ash asked. "In the Indigo Plateau Conference Pokémon League, they use four different battlefields; Grass, Water, Ice, and Rock," Emma explained and looked back at the book, "You have to win matches on all four battlefields before you can battle in the Indigo Stadium." She looked back at the woman, "Right, ma'am?"
The woman nodded with a smile, "Exactly," she confirmed, "You can keep the book if you want to." Emma nodded, "Thanks." Ash looked at the woman, "What field do I have to battle on first?" he asked. "All you have to do is press this button," the woman explained, and she pressed the red button in front of them. The screen on top of them turned on and four items appeared. Each started glowing quickly as the woman continued, "Whenever the light stops, this is what your first match is."
Ash looked up at the screen and then pressed the button, the light settled on a blue screen with a drop in the middle, which was water. "That's the water field," Emma said. "All right," Ash said with a grin. The woman turned to them, "The water field it is," she said and typed on the keyboard, "Now the system will select your opponent." On one side of the screen Ash's picture was and on the other side appeared a young man. Ash smirked, "I guess that's the guy I'm gonna beat."
"His name is Mandi, you the third match," the woman explained, "Be there by one. Good luck." Ash nodded, "Thanks." With that, Emma took Togepi into her arms again, and they all walked out to inform their friends.
"Hey Ash, I could give you my Poliwhirl and Gyarados for the water field," Emma said as the four kids walked down the street. "Why for? I got Squirtle," Ash said. "Squirtle is great, but you need more then just one," Misty pointed out. "Nah, Squirtle and I can handle it ourselves," Ash said confidently.
"Heya Ash!"
They looked over to see Gary and his cheerleaders sitting at a table. Gary was looking at Ash smugly, "So, you on the water field first," he said. "Yeah," Ash said, "How about you?"
"I'm battling on the ice field first. Well, I really hope you win your first battle Ashy boy, I will feel just terrible if you'll lose," Gary said. Ash frowned in annoyance, "Yeah? And why is that?" he asked. "'Cause I want the pleaser of beating you myself," Gary answered with a smirk, "Then you'll see what a real Pokémon Master looks like."

Electrical - Ash Ketchum {1}
FanfictionAt the world of Pokémon, a rich family with the name of Pierce was complex with legendary trainers and breeders, the 10 years old Emma Pierce starting her journey with her yellow best friend, a female Pikachu. Join Emma's adventure into the Pokémon...