Chapter 45 - The Song of Jigglypuff

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As we were walking through the forest, we slowed to a stop in the clearing to take a break. "I'm so hungry," Ash said as he dropped his bag on the grass. "What's new?" Misty muttered next to me and I chuckled softly.

"Pikachu-Pi," my Pikachu said on my shoulder and pointed forward. I followed her gaze to a Pokémon jumping up on a log. I smiled, "Hey, look over there."

It was a pink Pokémon with a spherical body. It has pointed ears with black insides and large, blue eyes. It has small, stubby arms and slightly longer feet. On top of its head is a curled tuft of fur on the top of its head.

"What's that?" Misty asked. "Isn't it a Jigglypuff?" Brock asked. "It is," I said with a smile, "I'm gonna catch it." I looked at my Pikachu, "Let's go, Pikachu."

"Pika!" she said and jumped off of my shoulder. "Use Quick Attack!" I called and she ran toward Jigglypuff, hitting her body into it, sending it backward to hit a tree. Jigglypuff slid down and stared at us for a second before it's face changed from confusion to sadness, and it started to cry.

"Pika?" my Pikachu asked as we looked at it in confusion. "Uh, I don't think it's used to this," Misty said. My Pikachu run toward Jigglypuff and tried to calm it down, "Pika, Pika. Pikachu." Jigglypuff slowly stopped crying and sniffed. "What's the problem?" Ash asked as he pulled out his Dexter.

Jigglypuff, a Balloon Pokémon. It has large friendly eyes and it sings a pleasant song.

"It's so cute," Misty said as my Pikachu and Jigglypuff walked closer. Jigglypuff jumped up on the log and I crossed my arms over my chest. "But, why didn't it attack back?" I asked. "Can you sing something for us?" Misty asked. The Balloon Pokémon turned away and looked down. "What's wrong?" I asked, "Can you sing for us?" Jigglypuff looked up at me and shook it's head, "Jiggly."

"I think it saying it can't sing," Brock said and Jigglypuff nodded. "I see..." Ash said. "I'm sorry for bothering you, little Jigglypuff," I said. Jigglypuff's face turned from sadness to happiness and suddenly jumped up into my arms, and I chuckled.

"I still think it's cute but who wants a Jigglypuff that can't sing?" Misty asked out loud. Jigglypuff looked over at her and looked away, hurt. "Misty," I scolded as she looked at it. "Oh! I'm so sorry," she said.

I looked from Jigglypuff to my friends,"Hey, why won't we help it sing?" I asked and Jigglypuff looked at me. "Good idea, we can't just leave it here alone," Ash said and Jigglypuff smiled. "Jiggly-puff!" It said.

"Okay, then," I said and placed Jigglypuff back on the log. "Does anyone want to go first?" I asked. "Oh! I will," Misty said and she cleared her throat. Jigglypuff suddenly turned away as it looked down. "What's wrong?" I asked as I picked it up.

"Maybe it's shy?" Misty suggested. "Or maybe it doesn't want you to sing 'cause it knows you will be bad," Ash said with a smirk. Misty glared at him, "I didn't even started! I'm a better singer than you that's for sure!"

"You're not!"

"Am to!"

Brock and I exchanged an annoyed look as they continued on with their argue. I looked down at Jigglypuff as I spoke to Brock, "Maybe we can try something else?"

"Hey, I got it," Brock said and grabbed his backpack, "Come on, let's go." Misty and Ash stopped and looked at Brock before we quickly followed.

"What are we looking for?" I asked as Brock looked around on the trees. "Hmm... there it is!" He said and ran forward toward a tree with fruits. He grabbed one and turned to us. "What is it?" Misty asked.

"The juice in this fruit has a very special properties, it has the power to heal your throat if it sore or tired," Brock explained. "Wow," Ash said. "If Jigglypuff eats it, it may start singing," Brock said as he held the fruit toward the Balloon Pokémon, "Will you like to try some?"

"Give it a try, Jigglypuff," I said. "Pika, Pika," my Pikachu said. Jigglypuff smiled, "Jiggly." It took a bite from the fruit and swallowed. We waited for a moment before Jigglypuff opened it's mouth and started to sing for a few seconds as it looked up to the sky.

"Hooray!" Misty cheered. "You did it!" I said. "Jiggly! Jiggly!" it cheered. "Now sing your song for us Jigglypuff," Misty said. "Jiggly," it said. "Let's go back," I said and turned around to start leading the way back to the clearing.

As soon as we reached to the spot, I placed Jigglypuff on the log. "Please sing for us, Jigglypuff," Misty asked. Jigglypuff nodded with a smile, "Jiggly." I sat down and my Pikachu jumped into my arms. Ash sat next to me and his Pikachu sat next to him.

Brock and Misty sat down as well and we looked at Jigglypuff. It took a deep breath before starting to sing beautifully. As I was listening to the song, I felt my eyes dropping. I closed my eyes with a smile as I listen to the song, not realizing I leaned on Ash's shoulder.


I yawned as I moved away from Ash's side and stretched up. "What a nice nap," Misty said as my friends yawned as well. I looked at my friends and gasped, they had markings all over their faces, so do the Pikachu. Brock gasped as he pointed at me, Ash and Misty, "What happened to your faces?!"

I rubbed my cheek and saw a mark on my arm. We all quickly rubbed the marks off of our faces. I looked at the log to see Jigglypuff looked away from us, angry. "What is it, Jigglypuff?" I asked. "Jiggly," it said. "What's it mad at?" Ash asked.

"I don't know," Brock said. "Maybe it's mad 'cause we fall asleep while it was singing," Misty suggested. "Oh, yeah," I agreed and rubbed the back of my head, "We're sorry, Jigglypuff."

"Hey, maybe there's some Pokémon that wouldn't fall asleep," Brock said. "Okay," I said as we all stood up. "Let's give it a try," Ash said and pulled out his Poké balls. Misty, Brock and I followed and we all threw our Poké balls up, "Come on out."

Ash let out his Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur and Squirtle, Misty let out her Staryu and Psyduck, Brock let out Onix, and I let out Tentacool, Scyther and Tyrogue.


After me, my friends and the Pikachu left the Pokémon with Jigglypuff for a while, we decided to go back to check up on them, and to our surprise, our Pokémon had all fall asleep, except for Psyduck. But, Jigglypuff was no where to be found.

"Hey, where's Jigglypuff?" Brock asked. "Jigglypuff!" Misty called. "They all fell asleep," Ash said as we stared at the Pokémon. I pointed toward Psyduck, "Except for Psyduck."

"Good old Psyduck!" Misty said as my friends smiled, "Do you know where Jigglypuff?" she asked. Psyduck didn't answer and continued to stare ahead. "Psyduck?" I asked.

Misty walked closer and she held a finger, and touched Psyduck's head, only for him to fell on Tyrogue's side. He was sleeping too but with his eyes opened. "You're stupid Pokémon! You just sleeping with your eyes opened!" Misty screamed at Psyduck, waking up all of our Pokémon.

I sighed and placed my hands on my hips, "Oh great. Where did Jigglypuff go to?" I asked and looked around. Brock sighed, "Guess it got annoyed that our Pokémon fell asleep too."

"Guess so," Ash muttered. "Should we go look for it?" Misty asked. "I don't know if we'll find it," I said with a shrug, "I guess we should just continue on."

"Yeah," Ash said as we grabbed our backpacks. We all held out the Poké balls, "Return." We got our Pokémon back inside their Poké balls and started to walk out of the clearing toward the path. "Wonder where Jigglypuff went off to," Ash said. "I hope we'll see it again," Misty said and I shrugged, "Maybe."

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