I felt something wet hit my face and slowly opened my eyes. I blinked and slowly sat up, brushing away sand from the left side of my face. "What happened?" I muttered as I closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes again and saw my Poliwhirl in front of me. "Poliwhirl?" I asked before remembering about the tornado and Gyarados. I smiled at my Pokémon in relief to see he was okay, "You okay!"
Poliwhirl jumped into my arms and I hugged him with a chuckle. I heard voices to my side and looked over to see Misty's Pokémon; Goldeen, Starmie and Staryu.
"Goldeen, Starmie, Staryu, are you guys okay?" I asked and they nodded. Poliwhirl moved back and I looked around but didn't see my Pikachu or Ash, Brock, Misty and Ash's Pikachu anywhere. "Where are the others?"
Poliwhirl shook his head, not knowing, "Poliwhirl." I looked back at Misty's Pokémon, "Don't worry, we'll find them and get you back to Misty." I held my arms out for Goldeen to jump on, and it did. I stood up, "Come on, let's go find them." We all started to walk away from the beach.
We were searching for a while now. It was dark and still didn't find the others. "Wonder where they could be," I muttered.
I blinked and looked around.
"Emma! Pikachu!"
"Bulbasaur! Charmander! Squirtle!"
"Poliwhirl! Goldeen! Starmie! Staryu!"
We started to walk to where we heard the voices.
"Emma!! Pikachu!"
We walked closer around the trees to see Ash, Misty and Brock yelling out the names.
"Guys!" I said and they turned around. They smiled, "Emma!" Misty gasped happily, "Goldeen, Staryu, Starmie!"
We walked closer and I handed Misty her Goldeen, "The three of them are all right." Misty held Goldeen in her arms as she kneeled down to look at Staryu and Starmie, "Thank goodness."
I looked around, not seeing my Pikachu or Ash's, "Hey, where's the Pikachu?" Ash shook his head in sadness, "We got separated like we did with you. "Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle are gone, too."
"Oh no," I said worriedly. I hope my Pikachu with Ash's and the other Pokémon, knowing how she didn't like been alone, not since we both became friends.
"We'll find them," Brock said as Misty got her Pokémon back into their Poké balls. I nodded and looked at Poliwhirl, "Okay, bud, you take a rest, okay? You deserve it." Poliwhirl looked worried, "Poliwhirl."
I smiled and patted him on the head softly, "Don't worry, we'll find them. Take a rest, okay?" I held his Poké ball and let him go back inside. Right after that, we heard a loud yell and looked up to see a giant Zapdos heading toward us. "What?" I asked in shock, "It can't be!"
"Run!" Ash yelled and we all took off. The giant Zapdos flew above us, letting out a huge electricity lighting, making us all fell to the ground for cover. It flew past us and away.
We watched it go in shock. "I've never seeing a flying Pokémon like that before," Misty said. "Me either," Brock said, "It's one of the most incredible Pokémon I've ever seen."
"It was a Zapdos," I said. "A Zapdos?" They repeated. "It's one of the three Legendary Bird Pokémon," I explained, "Along with Articuno and Moltres. I've read about them in one of the books that my Dad keeps. But... how did it get here?"

Electrical - Ash Ketchum {1}
FanfictionAt the world of Pokémon, a rich family with the name of Pierce was complex with legendary trainers and breeders, the 10 years old Emma Pierce starting her journey with her yellow best friend, a female Pikachu. Join Emma's adventure into the Pokémon...