Chapter 8

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It was the morning before school started. Every one of Ash's friends are making their own way to the cafeteria. Calem is already there and Serena soon enters the cafeteria.

With Serena

As Serena walked into the cafeteria, she saw Calem. Calem was sat on his usual seat with a cup of coffee in front of him. After the events of the day before, Serena had been quite wary of Calem. She had never seen Calem being that angry or reckless before, however, they were still in a relationship and Serena believed that it was her duty to help Calem though this.

As Serena walked towards Calem, she noticed that he was staring at someone. His eyes showing some form of desire and... lust? Serena quickly followed his gaze and found a girl, not much shorter than her. She had brown hair tied into two ponytails, one on each side. She had slightly tanned skin and green eyes. She wore a pink short sleeved shirt with a pair of short jean shorts.

Serena admitted that she was quite attractive, however, she didn't like the way Calem was looking at her.

"Ahem!" said Serena, trying to get Calem's attention.

Calem still didn't shift his gaze. It was almost as if he was entranced by her.




After four tries, Calem finally snapped out of it.

"Huh? Wha- oh, good morning!" he said with a nervous smile.

"What were you looking at?" asked Serena sternly.

"Oh, umm.. I... I was looking at that new student... I was thinking about having a battle against her!" said Calem, chuckling nervously.

"Oh! I see!" Serena said while smiling at him.

'How can I even think like that about him? Calem would never betray me... right?' Serena thought to herself.

"Speaking of battles, I didn't see you after the battle yesterday. You often come running to me after my battles... why didn't you do that yesterday?" asked Calem.

It was now Serena's turn to be nervous.

"Well.. you see... I was spending time with Dawn and the others. Turns out they have known Ash for ages, so they thought it would be nice if I get to know him. Turns out he is qui-" Serena was cut off by Calem.

"What!?? You were with him instead of me after the battle? WITH HIM!?" Calem started yelling while banging on the table, which scared Serena.

"Calem, you're scaring me a little." said Serena.

"YOU KNOW WHAT THAT FUCKER DID TO ME YESTERDAY AND YOU STILL WENT TO HIM??" yelled Calem. Getting angrier by the second.

"Calem, this isn't like you! Please stop yelling!" said Serena, on the verge of tears now.

Calem now realised that he was yelling quite loudly and the whole cafeteria, including the new girl, was staring at him. After noticing that she was taring at him, Calem tried to act calm and sat down.

Serena was looking at the ground now, trying to hold tears back. Although she thought Calem was a nice person, he would yell at her like this quite often, sometimes for the stupidest of reasons.

Calem finished his coffee, stood up and left, without looking at Serena once. Serena completely broke down after this.

A couple of minutes after Calem left, the doors to the Cafeteria opened again and Ash came running in, ready to get breakfast with Pikachu on his head, holding on for dear life. As he was running to the buffet table, he saw something from the corner of his eye that made him stop on his tracks. He felt a horrible twist in his stomach and his heart ached at what he saw. Serena was sitting in one of the corner tables. Her hands were balled up into fists and you could see teardrops falling onto the fists.

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