Chapter 20

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After that event, Serena ran towards her dorm room and so did Shauna. Calem went in search of Shauna throughout the whole school. Miette tried to calm herself down by walking around and Ash made his way back to his Pokemon.

We join Ash as he approaches his Pokemon.

No one's POV

Ash walked up to his Pokemon. Greninja had already reverted back to his normal form and was looking at Ash curiously along with Pikachu and Sceptile. It was almost as if they could tell something was wrong. Charizard, on the other hand, acted like he was ignoring Ash... which Ash found slightly puzzling.

"Alright guys, return. Get some rest before the match." said Ash lazily as he returned Greninja, Sceptile and Charizard.

Ash then sat there waiting for the match to start. This was still 40 minutes left before the start of the match.

While Ash was getting ready for the match, on the other side of the school, Calem was busy looking for Shauna. Over the past months, Shauna had opened up to Calem and told him about her past... and it wasn't a pretty one.

~ Shauna's Backstory~ (might get slightly dark)

Shauna was born in Dendemille Town. Her dad died when she was still very young and her mom, Eleanor, was left with the responsibility of raising her and her brother, Tierno, who was 3 years older than her.

That, however, turned out to be a very bog challenge for Eleanor. She was a single mom, trying to juggle between housework and a day job. This turned out to be very difficult for her. It was stressful and she couldn't support the family financially. At that point, she decided to remarry in order to increase the household income so that her children could live happily.

That, however, didn't go completely as planned. Their step-dad, Noland, wasn't too fond of Shauna and Tierno. In fact, he hated them. The reason? Well, his reason was they weren't his kids. He didn't see any profit in doing anything for Shauna and Tierno. However, their mom got him to agree and tolerate them.

It actually went quite smoothly for a while, however, as they two siblings grew older, their mom decided to enrol them into the best private school in the area. She wanted her children to have a bright future. She wanted them to do things and learn things she, herself, didn't have the opportunity to, however, it came at a cost. The fees were expensive. Very expensive. Again, however, Eleanor managed to convince Noland into spending the money on Shauna and Tierno. 

As they studied in that school, it got more and more difficult for Noland and Eleanor to pay their fees. They didn't have enough money to sustain themselves.

Eventually, Noland got very frustrated with the situation and started getting more and more stressed out. He started blaming this whole situation on Shauna and Tierno. Noland then resorted to drinking his sorrows and stresses away.

Often, after work, he would go to the bar/pub and drink lightly. He would come back home and have a talk about the situation with the family. The siblings would often say they would rather dropout, however, that never sat right with Eleanor. She would always insist that her children have the best education available. This resulted in Noland getting more and more frustrated. He then started drinking more and more heavily. He would return home and the talks they used to have would turn into him screaming and yelling at the three of them. That eventually turned into physical abuse and violence. Eleanor would often try to stop him, however, if often ended up in getting her hurt.

At this point, both Shauna and Tierno started feeling guilty. They decided to support their family in any way possible. They did so by using their Pokemon. Shauna started performing while Tierno started taking part in Gym battles.

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