5. Taken

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Elisa's P.O.V

I was waiting for caroline infront of the movie  theatre. I checked the watch for 100th time. Why is she always late?

I was about to call her when a bulky guy stumbled on me.

"Whahhhat a preeety thing like you is doing outside in this weather?" He asked in a slurred language. I can smell the alcohol on him even from 5 steps away.

I stepped a little close  to the ticket counter so that I won't feel so alone. He began walking towards me when I saw caroline, I ran towards her, grabbed her arm and went inside after showing our tickets on the counter.

"Why are you in such a hurry? And why are you panting like a dog?" Care asked me.

I replied after taking a deep breath to calm my poundung heart," It's nothing. Just that the movie was gonna start and I didn't want to miss anything."

I don't want her to worry about me. The only people who knew about my past were Kate and Care. Technically, they were the only ones that I knew and talked to.

The movie started and I was not able to concentrate much.

My thoughts went to my dreams. For a few days, I was dreaming about stormy grey eyes, I don't know why but my each dream was surrounded by them. I had never seen such eyes in my whole life yet I feel like I've seen them somewhere.

That was not the only problem. Everytime I tried to remember what happened the night Kate saved me I saw a blank space. It's like my memories have been deleted from that particular time. I asked Kate abou this and everytime I did she would say that it was because of all stress that I've been through. Though for some reason, it felt like she was lying and keeping something from me.

The lights in the theatre suddenly flared to life and I was momentarily blinded by the intensity of it.

"So how is it?" Care asked me.

Oh No! I was not paying much attention. Way to ruin something I've been waiting for months.

"Umm....it's fantastic" I flinched while saying the lie. Thank God Care didn't catch that because she was rambling about how much she liked it. I'm a very bad liar, I flinched every time I lie.

Intermission came and went and suddenly the movie was over. At least I was able to concentrate on the second part and don't have to lie about it.

We were discussing things when Care's phone went off.

"Uh-oh. It's from my mom." Care said and started talking to her mom.

She pressed the red button and turned towards me with a guilty expression.

"Ellie, my mom just said that I need to go back again and buy some butter to her. Would you mind if I go or do you want me to drop you home?"

Oh no! Going home alone in the middle of the night? But I can't make Care take me home because she'll then have to go all the way back and besides I'm a 17 year old big girl now. I shouldn't be so scared about everything. My past is  gone now. I've to bury my fears deep down.

"It's ok Care. It's not much distance from here. You should go. I'll meet you tomorrow and finish the conversation." I assured her.

She hugged me and went on her way back.

I started walking fast towards my house, tripping on my way.

It was a cold night I should have brought a jacket-

A twig snapped behind me and I rooted myself to the ground and glanced back.

It was the same guy from the movie thetare.

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