15. Leverage to take me out.

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Alec's P.O.V

How can she forget the kiss!

I just wanted to show her that I'm not to be messed around but her lips are something that I find an excuse to taste always. I thought she felt the sparks too when I kissed her but she had the audicy to lie to me. Me.

I took a deep breath and pulled myself back from those plump lips.

Her pupils were dilated, meaning she was fazed by my kiss.

"Did that click something in your thick skull?" I asked smirking.

She came out of her trance and looked at me like she wanted to kill me.

"I don't have a thick skull, you idiot!" She yelled at me.

I sensed Adam coming towards us. I growled low in my throat.

"Go back in your room and change. Then I'll give you the tour of the castle." I ordered her. Truth to be told, I don't want her to be near that fucking Adam, who she seems to trust more than me. Oh! How I wanted to break that mouth of his.

She narrowed her eyes at me but went towards her room without an argument.

Just as disappeared around the corner, Adam came in front of me.

"I want to talk about the incident." Adam said in the serious tone.

"Did you find anything?" I asked him.

"Yes, the chandelier did not fall because of the rusty screws. I checked every screw and they were all change 4 days ago  and if it was because of the ceiling then all the other lights  would have fluctuated but that is not the case, so that means....--"

" somebody wanted to kill us." The voice came from behind us and I don't have to second guess who it was.

"I told you to change your dress Elisa." I said. I didn't want her to know about this.

"It's not necessary that somebody wanted to kill us. There may be other reasons." I said turning around and saw that she was back in her old clothes.

"You have a closet full of clothes. Why are you wearing rags?" I said disgustingly.

She looked hurt," Not everyone has a choice." She said in a small voice.

"What are you trying to imply?" I said frowning. Why was she saying that as if she was compelled to wear those clothes.

Her eyes widened as if she gave away some type of secret.

Now this had my attention, she was again hiding one of her little secrets. I wonder how long my list is going to be about finding out her secrets.

"A-Aren't you going to show me around?" She stuttered.

I nodded my head and told Adam to go.

He smiled at Elisa and she gave him a heart warming smile I never received and I calculated how many seconds would it take to decapitate his head.

She trusted him more than she trusts me. For some reason, that left a pang in my chest, but I've not given her a single reason to trust me. All I've done is take everything from her.

I sighed.

"Shall we?" I asked her.

She turned her head towards me and her smile disappeared.

"Lead the way." She said.

After walking for 2 minutes, she suddenly walked in front of me, put both the hands on my shoulders and tip toed her lips towards my ears.

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