62. Bonjour

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Instagram: The_novel_lover.

Elisa's P.O.V

You know sometimes gravity acts on a really bad time. Gravity is a contributing factor of nearly 73% of all accidents involving falling of objects. I have nothing against it. But sometimes I just wanna curse gravity for acting at times when you're already riled up.

Times like now.

I was taking notes in chemistry class and the reason I was so riled up is sitting right next to me.

He was in my every class.

Every f*cking class.

And then gravity decided to act upon my pen as it fell down and I bent down to search it.

There are three possibilities where a pen lands.

3% to right where it falls.

5% in next dimension never to be seen again and

92% to the person next me who is irritating the hell outta me.

He bent down and picked up my pen with a smug expression on his face and looked at me.

I straightened, "Give me my pen." I whispered to him.

He reached out to give me and I was actually surprised that he's giving away so easily given the constant brushes of his hand across mine, checking my evey answer as if he was my personal teacher, taking a lock of my hair and smelling it and the the list continues forever and evermore.

But I was very wrong.

Just as I was about to take the pen he snatched it away and backed away his arm.

I leaned into his seat to reach till his arm but it was still out of my reach.

"Alec give me my pen this instant." I hissed at him.

Fortunately the teacher was busy writing the important formulae on the board. I had another pen but why should I let Alec win?


"Take it littleone. I believe someone said back to me that 'I never lose'." He said quoting my words back to me.

"You idiot. If you think that by fighting over a pen is considered a game then you're the most pathetic gamer I've ever seen in my life. Give me my pen right now." I was now completely leaning over him unaware of what I was doing.

"Miss Moore this is the third time I'm catching you doing something other than paying attention in my class." Teacher yelled from front and I immediately sat back in my seat blushing furiously.

"I'm sorry Sir, it won't happen again." I said.

"Enough! You'll receive the detention. Comeback after all your classes are over." Sir said and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"But.... but." I started but Sir cut me off.

"Silence. After class Miss Moore." He said and turned his attention back on the board and students snickered.

Never in my life had I ever received a detention and now I'm receiving on the first day of my last year?

I glared at Alec and he just smiled at me apologetically.

I broke a pencil again.

Two pencils in a row. How may more would I need today?

I decided to not utter another word in this class if I do not want to increase my stay at the school for more detentions.

I'm going to get you for this Alec Kincaid.

Alec tried to distract me into talking but I did not heed him any attention.

At last the bell rang.

"You've been awfully quite today littleone." Alec said as we were the last ones to fill out of the class.

I smiled innocently at him, "Nobody plans to murder out loud. At least not me." I said walking down the rows.

"My my you have changed so much. Tell me who do you want to murder? Maybe we can be partners in crime. I haven't killed anyone in a long time." He said and I begged my powers to stay contained.

"Sure. I'll give you the description. It works like this, I'll kill him and you dispose off the body." I said continuing our no sense chat.

"Deal. Give me the description." He said amusement lightning in his voice.

I stopped and turned around to look at him, "Hmm... let's see. He has the same grey coloured eyes like you which I hate by the way. He irritated me to hell and beyond just like you. He doesn't understand the meaning of 'go away' like you, you see he's the biggest betrayer.. omg just like you. He spends a night with women who saved his life just to say thank you and that also just like you. And strangely he whips the person who wanted to save his life. I wonder if that person is you... oh my! Sorry, of course it you. So here you have it. The person I want to kill yet I wouldn't is standing right in front of me. Leave me alone Alec." I said and whirled around on my heels, walking out of the class without glancing back.

I need to calm myself or else I would expose everyone around me by using my powers unintentionally.

But one thing was true, there are plenty ways to die but only love can kill you and still keep you alive to feel it and that is the worst way for one to die.

At the end of all the classes.

I knocked on the door, "Sir?" I asked as my Chemistry sir looked up.
Thankfully Alec was gone for now and I was having a good peace despite my detention.

"Ah Miss Moore, your detention is to go in the chemistry lab and keep all the chemicals in the order provided in this paper. After it is done, you can go home. I believe you will do it all by yourself. I'm on the ground floor, if you need me just call out to me. No one else is there in the school." He said and stood up with a budle of papers.

He took one out and handed it to me, "Be careful with the concentrated chemicals." He said and then left the room.

I groaned looking at the list. Why me?

I immediately went in the lab and started my work.

At least it was not very hard to find the chemicals in their jumbled up places.

After placing at least 33 different chemicals I came to last two which were very dangerous if they fell on your any part of the body.

I kept the conc. Hydrosulphuric acid and then moved on to the last one which was conc. HCL.

I picked up the beaker and poured the acid in a glass bottle very carefully, when I heard the voice of glass breaking behind me.

I immediately whirled around causing a drop of HCl  splash on my hand.

But my hiss of pain died in my throat when I saw who it was.

"What the f*ck are you doing here?" I asked him fury burning deep in my heart.

Why can't he leave me the hell alone?

"Bonjour beloved little sister."


Yo guys!


I have to maintain my evil status 😈😈😈

Until then hugs and see ya.

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