22. Friend or foe?

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Alec's P.O.V

"I'll always come for you, my Elisa."

We were still in my woods and Elisa was still in my arms.

When I promised her that I would come for her, there was still a little doubt in her eyes as to whether I will come or not and today I did. Now I want to look in her eyes  and see if she still has that doubt.

I tried to back away but she snuggled more close in my arms.

I felt a genuine smile forming on my face. This is how it should be.

"Littleone, we need to go back now. It's late and I can smell the blood on your hand. We need to clean it or else it might infect you." I said in a calm voice but on inside, I wanted to taste her sweet blood that was calling me to take a lick.

Keep it together Alec, she will never trust you again if you drink her blood like those bastards wanted to, at the dance.

My inner voice said and I immediately came out of trance. Yes, she'll hate me if I try to do that.

But why is it affecting me that she'll hate me!? I hate her yet I don't want her hatred. Something is definitely wrong with me.

Maybe I need a vampire Psychologist to check my mental health.

You care for her Alec.

My inner voice said again

I immediately jerked her back from me and that resulted her to fall back on ground before I can catch her.

She screamed in pain as tears gushed out of her eyes.

My eyes widened as I realised that to take the impact she laid both the hands on the ground.

I knelt down in front of her took her hand in mine. Few drops of blood fell on my hand and I stared at them.

"I'm so sorry Elisa, I didn't mean to, I just
..." I was really bad at apologies but hey at least I tried.

She nodded her head and took her hand from mine and began blowing air on it.

I stood up to pick her up in my arms and take us back to the castle but again I stared at her blood which was still on my hand.

It's only few drops and not because I bit her.

It won't harm to just taste these drops  and tame my curiosity.

Yes, it wouldn't hurt if I tasted it.

I brought my hand to my mouth and realised that my fangs were already piercing my lips.

If Elisa sees me like this then even I don't know what will happen to her.

I turned my back to her and licked her first drop of blood on my hand.


I licked all her blood and tried to savour the taste of it.

Worst mistake. Now I crave her blood more than ever. I want to bite that delicate neck and feel her life flowing in me. I want to drink her till there is not a single drop left.
I want to....

"Alec is everything all right?" Her voice was like splashing cold water on my face and bringing me out of deep sleep.

Oh my God! If she hadn't said anything then I would have drunk her dry without thinking.

I was going to kill the only innocent person in this world who trusted me now.

How could I?

How could I think of killing her?

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