53. Destruction

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Elisa's P.O.V

I went ahead as Adam tried to shield me by coming in front of me.

"That's it Alec. She's gonna leave this place for her own good and I'll make sure of it that she doesn't get obstacles in her path- likeyou- to reach her home safely." Adam said to Alec while trying to pull me behind him again.

But he couldn't.

Because of my powers.

He looked at with confusion.

"I won't let her. I know what I did was very very wrong and I know I'm very selfish but I can't let her go." Alec said in a pleading tone that used to melt me away like a butter on a hot pan.

But now it didn't.

I just stood there because I didn't even want to acknowledge him.

I hate him.

"Call your sister Elisa." Adam said giving me his phone but not taking his eyes off Alec.

I glanced at the phone but it suddenly burst into million pieces and flew everywhere in the room.

Neither me nor Adam flinched by that action.

"Don't encourage her!" Alec roared and this time I was unable to not look at him.

He was fuming again.

Like I'm scared.

"You can't take her out of this castle with me still standing here!" Alec yelled again causing me to slowly fume with anger as well.

I will not let him dictate my life anymore.

"Then I'll fight till my last breath to help her escape." Adam said softly and I gasped.

"Adam no...." I said looking at him, my anger forgotten but he just shook his head sadly.

"No Elisa. I should have helped you escape the first time you asked me to help you. I should have called your sister but instead I supported him but do you know why? I thought that by looking at your beautiful innocent soul he might lose his rage and hatred and I thought that he might be able to love ag.... but I was so wrong. Because of my one hopeless hope I almost killed your pure love-filled soul and I'm so sorry for that." He said and by the end I was crying again.

"No Adam, never ever lose hope, it is your only salvation, only reason why we move ahead and push ourselves each day. Hope is what makes life move forward and love..
Love make life live again. Don't be sorry. And I won't let you die for me. Think about it, you Still have to find your mate. You haven't even met her yet." I said and looked at Alec while saying next satement.

"Some stories do not have a happy ending Adam because they are not meant to be but I'm sure yours will be a happy one and I'm not about to let my new found brother die by the hands of a cold heartless monster." I said and glared at Alec who just looked at me with...... sadness?

"No! You're leaving and that's final." Adam said stubbornly.

"Adam... who said I'm not?" I said and looked back at Alec with a challenge in my eyes.

"I'm leaving on my own." I said and Alec tensed up even more.

"No! I won't let you. Give me a second chance Elisa. I'll prove you how sorry I am. I know I'm a monster but please give me a second chance." Alec pleaded me.

"Second chances are given to those who deserve it, Mr. Alec Kincaid." I said.

"Move out of my way Alec or else you will face my wrath you have never seen before." I said, my powers were literally begging me to destruct something but I kept them contained.

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