Harry *Narry*

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Episode 01

"So what is it exactly that you want me to do?"

Zayn sighed and pointed towards the door.

"I want you to destroy him....he's too innocent for his own good. I need you to dirty him up a bit, you know?" Zayn said. Harry smirked and nodded.

Harry was the top stripper of the club. They know him as Curly since he has curly hair. But it's not just his hair that makes the men swoon, it's also his looks and the way he pleasures.

His long torso, his long model-like legs, his full pink lips, his glowing green eyes. It was a sexy sight for many, even Zayn couldn't resist him himself.

"Alright. No problem." Harry said seductively. He hasn't even seen the boy he was about to destroy, but he knew for sure he was going to has fun. He walked away from Zayn, straight to the door. Zayn's eyes couldn't help but trail down to Harry's toned thighs and fit bum.

Damn. Zayn thought.

Harry opened the door slowly, immediately spotting a nervous looking man. Harry smirked, closing the door behind him.

The blonde male immediately looked up, gulping rather loudly. Harry bit his lip as he walked slowly over to the flushed red face man.

Harry had to admit, the man was rather attractive.

His blonde dyed hair up in a quiff. He could see a fade of a beard showing on his face. Glasses covered his eyes, rather big hands (maybe bigger or about the same size as his hands), pale skin. The man had a black suit on, so Harry guessed he must be quite rich and worked on something really professional.

The man sat on a medal chair with no handles. He wiped the sweat of his hands by rubbing his hands up and down his thighs. Harry laugh quietly at the sight. He seemed so innocent, and Harry couldn't wait to ruin him.

"Hi." Harry simply said as he stood front of the man. The older male gulped and nodded, his leg shaking as he bounced his foot up and down.

"Hi." His voice came out as a puberty crack.

"I mean..." He cleared his throat. "Hi."

Harry smiled and circled around him. His hands caressing the man's arms and shoulders.

"What's your name?" Harry asked.

"Ni-Niall." Niall stuttered as Harry bit his earlobe softy. Harry smirked as Niall shivered.

"Yours?" Niall asked. Harry chuckled, as he sat on Niall's lap. Both of Harry's thighs on Niall's.

"I'm sorry, I'm not suppose to tell you honey. But you can call me...baby." Harry whispered the last word in Niall's ear. Niall whimpered, gulping loudly.

"Why don't we tie these hands....so you don't disturb anything yea?" Harry grabbed Niall's hands gently. He grabbed the handcuffs, pinning Niall's left hand down. He did the same with the other hand, later on returning to his position.

"How old you are you babe?" Harry said as he position himself on Niall's lap.

"22." Niall said. Harry hummed as he grinded his bum on Niall's crotch. Niall gasped, hands moving desperately to grab something.

"Quite young for a lawyer huh?" Harry said, grinding harder against him. Niall gasped and whimpered.

"I own a co-company-oh!" Niall moaned as Harry pressed his lips to his neck. Harry bit and sucked softy. Harry hands traveled down, squeezing Niall's bicep along the way.

Harry *Narry*Where stories live. Discover now