Episode 02

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Episode 02

"Why exactly are we here Niall?" Zayn asked. Niall rolled his eyes, tapping his finger on the steering wheel as he looked at the gay strip club from afar.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! I'm waiting for the guy!" Niall said annoyed. Zayn sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

"I expected better than you Horan. I knew this was gonna happen." Zayn said. Niall frowned, turning around in his seat.

"What do ye mean?" Niall said. Zayn rolled his eyes, laying his head back and closing his eye. He crossed his arms and ankles and let out a loud deep breath. Niall raised an eyebrow as he stare at his best friend.

"Obviously it was meant to be something to just get over with. But I had a feeling you were gonna end up liking the guy."

"Why do you imply that I 'like' this guy?" Niall said. Zayn rolled his head, staring at him with a "are you serious?" face.

"Come on Niall! It's so obvious! Your waiting for his shift to be over so you could go over to him and ask him out. I'm not dumb you know." Niall cursed in his mind, knowing his best friend was clearly not that dumb. And yes, he did like Harry. But it was just the way Harry's eyes sparkled, and Niall had felt something different that day.

"Fuck you." Niall muttered. Zayn smirked and chuckled, him obviously knowing he had won the argument.

"There he is!" Zayn said. Niall quickly turned around to see Harry walking out the club. Niall wasn't used to seeing him in normal clothes.

Harry was wearing an oversized hoodie, black skinny jeans, and dark brown boots. His hair was messy, curls bouncing as he walked. Niall blushed as Zayn muttered "crazy in love".

Niall quickly fumbled with the door, slamming it behind him. He jogged over to the young lad who was digging through his backpack. Niall finally reached him, resting his hands on his knees as he panted loudly.

Harry frowned at the blonde lad in front of him.

"Are you alright?" Harry said softly. Niall flushed redder than ever as he heard his soft voice. It was way softer than the time they had sex, when his words were raspy and defiantly not soft.

"Yea....I....I'm just....catching my....breath." Niall panted. Harry mouthed and 'oh' and nodded, smiling softy afterwards.

"Is there anything I could help you with?" He asked. Niall again flushed red at his soft voice. Niall stood up straight and Harry's eyes widened and he felt his cheeks lightly blush.

"Um....yea....uh....hi? I don't um....know if you....uh....remember me?" Niall said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. Harry nodded, his eyes still wide. It was him. The one he had sex with that night. The one he had been thinking nonstop of.

"Yes. I do remember you." Harry said, smiling softly. Niall laughed nervously and Harry lightly smirked at Niall's adorableness.

"Yea well I....uh....um.....gosh I don't know what I'm saying." Niall said, more to himself than to Harry. Harry covered his mouth with his hand, soft giggles leaving his mouth.

Niall looked up at Harry and blushed. Harry looked so beautiful. His eyes crinkled, his nose and cheeks red as he laughed.

"Why are you here?" Harry asked. Niall gulped, nodding.

"Umm....well I just wanted to.....uh.....if you want to.....I mean I'm not forcing you to but.....uh....if you maybe, just maybe!....would like to.....uh.....go.....onadatewithme? Niall said. Harry smirked and walked closer to Niall. Niall gulped as Harry stood in front of him.

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