Epsiode 07

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Episode 07

Harry smiled and bit his lip when he felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind. Niall pressed a light kiss on his neck and rested his chin on Harry's shoulder.

"So what's for breakfast?" Niall said. Harry's heart beating fast. Even Niall's raspy morning voice had a huge effect on him.

"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon." Harry said. Niall hummed against Harry's shoulder, pressing another peck on him, but this time on his shoulder.

"Very American. I like it." Niall said, sitting in the counter next to the stove.

Harry shrugged and nodded.

"I guess so." Harry chuckled. Niall half smiled and sat on the dinning room chair. Harry hummed a tune while he flipped the pancake and Niall couldn't help but smile.

"You'd be a perfect housewife." Niall teased. Harry chuckled, rolling his eyes. He put the eggs and the bacon with the pancakes on the plate, grabbing a knife and a fork.

He turned around, placing Niall's food on the table in front of him.

"Funny Horan." He said, about to turn around when Niall grabbed his waist, pulling him on his lap.

"I'm not even kidding. You'd be a perfect housewife, or househusband if that's the name for it." Niall said while chuckling. Harry laughed, straddling his lap.

"My boyfriend is funny." Harry said, wrapping his hands around Niall's neck and pecking his nose. Harry pulled away making Niall whine.

"Kiss me." Niall said. Harry smirked, leaning down and pressing their lips together. Niall moved his lips gently along with Harry's. His hand traveled lower and lower Harry's back, squeezing his bum.

Harry gasped against his lips. They giggled against each other's mouth, Harry pulling away.

"Eat!" Harry teased, getting off Niall's lap and going back to the kitchen. Niall smiled while he walked away, his eyes traveling lower and lower until they looked at Harry's bum. Niall couldn't help it, his boyfriend does have a good bum.

"Ugh, you guys are already acting like a married couple it's annoying." Niall jumped and turned around, seeing Zayn walking in the dining room.

"Shit Zayn you scared me!" Niall said, his breathing fast. Zayn shrugged and sat down next to him.

"You gonna eat that?" Zayn asked, staring hungrily at Niall's breakfast. Niall grabbed his plate, pulling it away from Zayn.

"Yes I'm going to. Go get some cereal or something." Niall said, taking a bite out of his egg. Zayn huffed, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

Zayn's eyes widened and stared at Harry. Harry had no pants, only some boxers, and a white dress shirt. Zayn gulped looking away.

Why does my best mate's boyfriend have to be a good looking stripper?

"Do you want some breakfast?" Harry asked, turning to look at Zayn. He noticed Zayn look at him, and the way he was looking at him, or most likely his body.
Harry put his hands on his hips, clearing his throat. Zayn looked away from Harry's body to make eye contact.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Harry asked.

"Oh. Yes please? I'm not really in the mood for cereal." Zayn mumbled. Harry smiled slightly and nodded, turning back around to face the stove, not noticing Zayn's eyes traveling back down to his body.

His long slender legs, the shirt covering them mid-thigh. Zayn wondered if Harry's shaved his legs, they look so clear and hairless.

"Would it help if I wore some pants?" Harry blurted out, making Zayn jump. He looked up to see Harry's looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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