Episode 04

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Episode 04

"Harry?" Niall asked. Harry gulped nervously and nodded. Harry's hands trembled while holding the bouquet of flowers. Niall frowned.

"Harry, come inside." Niall grabbed his arm, pulling him inside.

"God you're freezing." Harry dropped the bouquet of flowers and wrapped his arms around Niall's neck and hid his face in Niall's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry for being mad at you and then fucking you and then ignoring you." Harry said, while still trembling. Niall flushed red in embarrassment cause Zayn was in front of them.

"Um, Zayn can you please give us time to talk?" Niall said. Zayn nodded and walked upstairs to his room. Niall grabbed Harry's sides and pushed him away.


"Please Niall. Please take me back. I know that you're worried that I'm having sex with all these men but-"


"I'm not! You're the only one that I've ever had sex with in my job." Harry blurted out. Niall's eyes widened at Harry.

"I know it seems weird but it's true. I usually give lap dances but they aren't allowed to touch me." Niall blinked at Harry in shock.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I didn't know!" Niall exclaimed. Harry smiled softly and bit his lip. Niall flushed red in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I'm just...I'm such a jealous freak." Niall said, sitting on the couch. Harry frowned and joined him on the couch, sitting closely to Niall.

"No you're no-"

"And I assume things and I'm such a drama queen and you're really hot and beautiful and I didn't wanna lose you and I really like you and I-"

Niall's words were muffled when Harry pressed his lips against his. Niall's eyes were wide open as Harry moved his lips against Niall's slowly and sweetly.

Harry closed his eyes, laying his hands on Niall's shoulders. Niall shyly kissed back, nervously laying his hand on Harry's knee.

Harry pulled away slowly. He looked into Niall's eyes while biting his lip softly and giggling quietly. Niall blushed completely red because Harry was just so beautiful and sexy when he bit his lip and with those big, green eyes that always seem to leave Niall in a daze.

"Blushy." Harry teased, poking Niall's cheek. Niall blinked and blushed again, looking down at his hands. Harry looked at him and smirked.

"You're really shy, you know that right?" Harry said, making Niall laughed nervously. Harry loved Niall's shyness. He was so innocent and just easy to tease. Harry loved the control he had over Niall. He loved taking advantage of it.

"Sooo...do you forgive me?" Harry asked. Niall nodded shyly, still looking at his hands. Harry tilted Niall's chin up, making Niall blush when he noticed their faces were only inches away.

"What are we Niall?" Harry said teasingly. Niall gulped and stuttered an 'I don't know'. Harry smirked and bumped their noses together.

"I-well-uh-wou-would you-uh-wa-want to be m-my-"

"Your what?" Harry teased. Niall flushed red. Niall couldn't speak. Harry's beautiful face was so close to his. Harry's lips only inches away. Oh his lips. Niall loved his lips. They were so red and plum, reminded him of strawberries, and that was Niall's favorite fruit.

"Niall." Harry said playfully. Niall swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Would you li-like to be m-my bo-boyfriend?" Niall stuttered out. Harry smiled widely and jumped on Niall's lap.

"Yes! Finally you asked!" Harry said, hugging Niall. Niall's eyes were wide and his face flushed because first of all, Harry said yes. And second of all, Harry is on his lap just like their first night at the strip club.

Niall didn't hug back, his hands stayed at his sides, gripping the couch. Harry frowned, pulling away from the hug. Harry's thighs laid on top of Niall's.

"What is it babe?" Harry asked. Niall gulped and shook his head, brushing it off. Harry tilted his head to the side and smirked.

"Why are you so nervous around your boyfriend Niall?" Harry teased, his fingers caressing Niall's bicep up and down slowly and softly. Niall let out a quiet whine making Harry bite his lip to stop him from laughing. Harry leaned down, his lips next to Niall's ear.

"Come on Niall. You can touch me, don't be afraid, I won't mind." Harry whispered in Niall's ear. Niall's gripped the couch tighter, making his knuckles turn white.

Harry softly grabbed Niall's hands, making them let go of the couch. Harry placed Niall's hands on his hips. Niall flushed red and Harry smirked, leaning down and pressing their lips together.

Harry moved his lips slowly and teasing on Niall's. Niall whined in irritation and his hands traveled lower and lower to grip Harry's bum.

Harry squealed and he pulled away, his eyes wide. Niall's eyes widened in realization and he immediately pulled his hands away.

"I-I'm so-sorry. It was the heat of the moment a-and I-I just-"

Harry cut off by crashing his lips onto Niall's. Their lips moved fast and lustful. Harry's hand grabbed Niall's and lead them to his bum again.

"Don't stop Niall." Harry said breathlessly against Niall's lips. Niall flushed red and nodded, kissing back.


"So your back together eyy?" Zayn teased Niall. Niall shrugged and blushed, muttering an 'I guess'.

"You know I never expected you to go out with a guy like that." Zayn chuckled. Niall frowned at Zayn.

"What do you mean?" Niall said. Zayn rolled his eyes.

"I mean Harry's all tall and looks like a model and you're like, on the short buff but scrawny side you know?" Zayn said. Niall huffed angrily and shook his head.

"I'm not short and i'm no scrawny and I got lucky." Niall said. Zayn shrugged and nodded.

"You got very lucky dude. Very." Zayn said. He smirked when he saw the hatred look on Niall's face.

"Shut up mate." Niall said. "Just shut up."


Updated :)

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