Episode 05

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Episode 05

"Why do you have to go?" Niall asked sadly. Harry pouted and wrapped his arms around Niall's torso. He laid his head on Niall's shoulder.

"Because I have to work tomorrow." Harry muttered, hoping Niall didn't hear him. But of course, Niall did. Which made his insides fume out of anger.

He indeed was still angry about Harry working around those dirty minded men. How they were allowed to touch him in so many ways Niall probably hasn't.

But Niall didn't speak up. Not one bit. He wanted to, but he knew it would risk their relationship they have just started. He might as well let Harry do what he needs to do.

Niall was also relieved that he was Harry's first sex scene in his job. He was relived that Harry only did lap dances. Niall would probably blow up if Harry ever had sex with someone during his job.

"I'll call you." Harry said, pulling away and leaving a soft peck on Niall's lips. Niall sighed and nodded. Harry smiled softly and pulled away from Niall, walking to the front door.

"Wait! Harry!" Niall blurted out. Harry stopped in his tracks, turning around to stare at Niall.

"Do you mind if I pick you up from work tomorrow?"

Harry smiled and shook his head.

"I'd love for you to do that Niall." And then he softly shut the door behind him.


"Dude, you seriously haven't done anything about his job?" Zayn asked making Niall grit his teeth in anger.

Niall taped the pen against the desk as he read over the paperwork.

"Zayn why the bloody hell are you in my office? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Look I was bored with all those stupid secretary looking at me with flirtatious eyes, so I came here to avoid them." Zayn said, like as if it was the most simplest thing in the world.

Niall scoffed and threw his pen on the desk. He glared at Zayn and ran a hand through his hair.

"Zayn I'm seriously not in the mood. I'm stressed about work-"

"Or you're just stressed about Harry." Zayn somewhat finished Niall's sentence.

"No! It's not about......okay yea it kinda is about Harry. I just- ugh I don't know what to do Zayn. He doesn't want to quit that job. It's like as if he enjoys it!" Niall complained.

"I told you to talk to him."

"You think I didn't try? He just keeps making the excuse of not having enough money to pay his apartment. I mean really? With that body of his, he probably wins more money that doctors do."

Niall groaned in frustration, lightly pulling his hair. He hid his face in his hands. Anger and frustration pulsing in his veins. It just angered him, he wanted answers from Harry and he also wanted him to quit his job.

"Look. The best thing a relationship can have is communication. You're picking him up today right?" Zayn said. And Niall nodded at the question.

"Well when you pick him up, try to talk to him as calmly as you can, and maybe it'll knocks some sense into him okay?"

Niall nodded, completely understanding.


"Harry!" His boss yelled over the loud music. Harry turned around to see his boss walking to him.

"Yes sir?"

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