Episode 03

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Episode 03

"But Zayn like I really mean it." Niall said as they up to Niall's front porch.

"I really like Harry. And no, our relationship is not just sex." Zayn rolled his eyes, not believing him.

They entered Niall's house, both of them making their way to the kitchen.

"Look but don't you ever think that maybe, just maybe, he cheats on you?" Zayn said. Niall's jaw clenched as he turned around to glare at Zayn.

"Why do you always do this? You always try to ruin love for me! I haven't been in a serious relationship and now you want to ruin it?!" Niall snapped. Zayn sighed and shook his head.

"I didn't mean that way Niall. I meant his job."

And that's when it clicked Niall.

Of course it was. Harry's job.


"Niall!" Niall looked up and smiled as Harry ran to him. He wore his usual overlarge hoodie and boots when he got out of his job. Niall leaned off the car and walked closer to Harry.

Harry suddenly jumped on Niall, wrapping both his legs around his waist. Niall's eyes widened and he almost stumbled back. Harry grabbed his face, showering it with kisses until he leaned in for his lips, capturing them easily.

Their lips moved sweetly together, no lust, just slow and full of love. Niall's soon started to feel num and he let go of Harry's legs but it was not problem for Harry. His legs were wrapped too tight that he could have hold himself.

"I missed you." Harry said as he pulled away, staring into Niall's eyes.

Harry slid off him, wrapping his arms around his Niall's shoulder and hugging him tightly.

Harry seemed clingy but that's what Niall loved about him. Harry was so loving with him. And Niall always preferred clingy relationship, him thinking those are the ones that last longer.

"What are you doing here? I thought we were gonna meet up?" Harry asked. Niall smiled and shook his head, kissing his forehead.

"I thought maybe we could talk about something." Niall said. Harry frowned in confusion. Niall couldn't help but blush. Whenever Harry was confused, his nose would scrunch up cutely.

"About what?" Harry asked. Niall gulped and looked around, parking lot seemed half empty and no one was around. He knows something bad will happened once they discuss about Harry's job.

"I wanted to talk to you about your....uh......um.....uh-"

"What? Don't be shy on me Niall." Harry said laughing slightly. Niall took a deep breath and looked at Harry.

"Job." Niall blurted out. Harry raised an eyebrow and tilt his head to the side.

"What about it?" Harry asked. Niall gulped and mentally cursed in his head once he heard the tone in Harry's voice.

"I don't think you should....work there anymore." Niall said nervously. Harry glared at him.

"Why not?"

"Because it's not good for our relationship."

"Not good for it? Really? So you want me to quit my job that pays for everything I have, even my apartment, for our relationship?" Harry said.

"Kinda?" Niall scratching the back of his neck. Harry silently laughed, bending down and picking up his bag.

"Fuck you." Harry said, turning around and walking away. Niall whined, speed walking after him.

"Wait wait Harry! Stop!" Niall grabbed Harry's arm and turned him around. Harry glared at Niall, waiting for him to speak.

"You just need to hear my side of this."

"Your side? Are you serious? Why not hear my side? I have an apartment near the downtown train track and I barely get any sleep once that train passes. I barely can pay for food, imagine the apartment. I don't even eat breakfast or dinner cause I'm afraid I'll spend too much money. And now your telling me to quit my only job?" Harry snapped.

It's broke Niall's hear that he was having a hard life while he had practically a mansion and a closet full of tuxedos.

"I'm sorry I just.... I don't like the fact that your sleeping with other men and they........touch you." Niall said. Harry frowned as he looked at Niall.

"I'm not gonna quit Niall. I'm sorry." Harry said. Niall gritted his teeth and grabbed Harry's arm tugging him closer.

"Listen Harry. Those men inside that club don't own you. I don't want then touching you, looking at you, or even thinking of you. You are mine and that is final. I don't want you working there ever again because I'm the only one who touches you like that." Niall snapped.

Harry's eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open. Their faces only centimeters away. Niall's face was red of anger, a vein showable on his neck.

Niall hoped he didn't scared Harry. But boy, was he wrong. Harry took it a whole different way.

I mean, that's what it seemed to Niall when Harry practically dragged him over to his car and threw him in there and did him right then and there.


"You guys had sex...again?" Zayn said. Niall smirked at nodded as he stared at his best friend. He never knew his anger turned Harry on.

"So is he gonna quit his job?"

Niall shrugged, leaving his chin on his hand.

"After that I dropped him off his apartment and that's when I last saw him." Niall said.

"And how long was that?"

"A week." Niall whispered sadly. Zayn shook his head.

"I knew he was just using you-"

The doorbell suddenly rang. Niall frowned and stood up. Nobody visited him, unless it was his parents and his parents barely do visit him.

Niall walked to his door, Zayn walking slowly behind him. Zayn stopped a few inches behind Niall. Niall opened the door and immediately blushed at the sight in front of him.

"Hi Niall!" Harry squeaked excitedly. In his hand was a bouquet of roses.


Updated :)

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