Episode 06

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Episode 06

"I quit."

Harry's boss' eyebrows lifted in surprise. Harry glared at his boss as he said those words. His boss shook his head and smirked evilly.

"You're making a big mistake Harry." He said.

"I don't give a fuck. I'm out of here. Give me what you owe me." Harry snapped. His boss snickered and shook his head.

"I don't owe you anything Harry."

Harry's mouth gaped and his fists tightened.

"What do you mean you don't owe me anything?! I did my job, it's time you do yours."

"Tsk tsk tsk. Young Harry I'm sorry. But you have to quit at the end of the month to get paid, not during one."

And of course Harry felt stupid. It's the middle of October and he just quit.

"I-" Harry was cut off when his boss called security.

"No! Wait! That's not fair! You owe me! You didn't pay me last month!" Harry yelled. He was grabbed by his arm.

"No! Let me go! Stop! You owe me!" Harry yelled. He was lifted off the ground and carried out of the office.

"Stop! Let me go!" Harry yelled. The security guard opened the door and threw him out of the club. Harry landed on the sidewalk, his bag was thrown next to him and the door slammed shut.

Harry sat up, looking at the door as he breathed heavily. Tears prickled his eyes. He stood up, grabbing his bag and walking away from the club.

It was Niall. Niall completely ruined his life. Every since he came into his life, bad things came. He quit his job for Niall. He knew he was stupid for quitting his job for Niall. It wasn't like Niall was gonna care.

Which reminded Harry, Niall doesn't care anymore. He's probably happy in his mansion with lots of money.

Harry let out a quiet sob as he sat down on a bench. It was already dark outside, but Harry found himself crying more when a drop of rain landed on his cheek.

All of a sudden, a drizzle started.


"Come on Niall. It'll be fun. And besides, they're hot guys. It's time you got over Harry. It's been 3 weeks already." Zayn said. Niall sighed.

Zayn has been trying to convince Niall to go on a double date with him.

"Look. I'll go but I'm not in the mood of love right now." Niall said. Zayn nodded.

"It's alright. As long as you go." Zayn said. "Let me call them and we'll go in about 2 hours."

"Whatever." Niall muttered.


Harry walked along the sidewalk. He was soaking wet already, but it didn't hide the tears that were still falling from his face.

He just wanted to forget everything, he just didn't want to be anywhere anymore. He just wanted to quit everything. He was done. He couldn't do no more.

And the answer to this was the pub he stood in front at. He smiled slightly and walked to it.

He opened the door, feeling better when he felt the heat in there. He was freezing.

He felt eyes on him, but he ignored it as he passed by some tables, and finally sitting down on a stool in the bar.

"Can I help you with anything?" The bartender asked.

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