Chapter Eight ~ Jack Daniels is my middle name

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I stood in the garage watching him. He worked hard on the charger. You could smell the grease and sweat coming off him and the garage. He looked like this was something he loved to do.

I watched him for a long time. I sat down on a near by bench and watch him bend over the side of the hood into the engine twisting the bolts his muscles rippling as he turned it, left left, left, right right, right, his arms moved. I felt like I might be drooling. The silence was stopped by his voice loudly speaking over the beat of my heart thumping.

"So, you got a name?" he asked me, his voice like silk to my ears.

I choaked a bit on my tongue. "Mia." I said finally.

"Jasper." He said back, I thought about it for a second..Jasper..He looked like a Jasper. His arm tattoos made him seem like a bit of a rebel. They were rather sexy. I had a thing for guys with Tattoos, holes and a bad boy image about them. Jasper didn't look like a bad boy.

Jasper looked like he was sexy, and he knew it. His short brown hair close to his skull was sweaty, and beads of it rolled down his neck and disappeared into his shirt. My mind went blank for a while as I just watched him again. Blatantly. I was eating him with my eyes, he knew it. From the glances he gave me every so often, maybe he was undressing me with his eyes too.

"So, ...Mia..How do you know so much about cars?" Jasper said flexing his arms again as he pulled a stool out from under the near by table and sat on it, spreading his thighs wide. It made me want to get down on my knees and worship the ground he walked on. And I wasn't a worship kinda girl, I was more of a, you worship ME kinda girl.

"Mostly...guys." I said smiling.

"guys?" he said arching a brow in questions.

"I've....Seen ( no need to label it as dated we never dated) a few guys into cars. I picked it up over time." I said, quirking my own brow at him.

"So, do you do this often?" I asked him suddenly.

"Do what often?" he asked like he was unsure of what my question was referring to.

"Fix cars." I said smiling widely.

"yeah. Chris lets me use his garage after I'm done working." He said referring to my uncle.

"I.. see." I said the curiosity was growing inside me to know more about this guy.

"you think you can hand me that wrench." He said pointing to one by my feet. I nodded picking it up and coming closer to him. He smelled musky and like he had been wrestling all day long. I wanted to get close to him and just inhale him, but I figured he might find that slightly odd. I handed him the wrench and my fingers brushed his for a moment.

We sat for a while just watching each other. He watched me with a hungry look in his eyes. I watched him like I wanted to pounce at any moment. I felt like a tigress stalking her prey.

After having sat with jasper for such a long time the sun had set and the moon shown high in the sky. He was going into detail about what he' had modified in his charger when two rather handsome looking guys came up to the garage. Jasper stopped for a second mid sentence and he slapped hands with the man on the right first, then the one of the left second.

"Mia, id like you to meet the other ranch hands, Rick, and Kevin." Jasper said smiling pointing at each one in question.

"Hey." I said giving a slight wave.

Rick, looked to be a bit older then the other guys. He had thick, mid ear long brown hair and dark brown eyes. he had a unique look about him. He had a five o'clock shadow, and a wide smile. His eyes were inviting and yet held this bit of predator in them.

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