Chapter Twenty - Unpredictable

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Sorry for the Delay!

Enjoy! Unedited or re-read since written if you notice an issue please dont not tell me :) xoxo Vote Comment ENJOY!

I watched a panic settle over Adam as the car sped off into the night. The sun as set quickly and I wondered what Dan would have wanted. What he would have said. my thoughts about Dan were pretty much cut short, but a panicked Adam. He held Roz' in the crook of his arm and rubbed her forehead. She was pretty much in his lap but not completely. I watched the panic settle in as Liam just sped as quickly as possible, the speedometer started to reach past ninety and I was getting nervous.

We sped past towns and weaved around cars like they were nothing. If anything we were lucky no cops happened to be around. It took us about twenty-five minutes to get pulled into an Emergency Room round about.

Liam cut the engine pretty much parking in a no parking zone and he jumped quickly out of the car, grabbing Roz from the back seat and running with her into the automatic doors. Adam followed behind while I sat there just kind of confused.

I knew something was wrong I just didn't know what. Nobody said anything. Leah climbed over the consul and put the car into gear and turned the car around and into a parking lot that was near by. It was apparent that she knew where she was going.

I sure didn't.

Once Leah turned the car off she looked at me in the rear view mirror. Blinking back tears.

"You don't have to come in if you don't want too." She said in a very mono tone, her voice very somber.

"I'll come." I replied opening up my door and climbing out.

She climbed out as well and we took off walking towards the entrance of the hospital. I wasn't sure what was going to happened but I didn't think id be leaving anytime soon. I followed Leah as we entered the large white hospital. A large sign said we were in "Guffery" TownshipHospital. I had no idea where Guffery happened to be but I knew we were at least still in Texas. Leah went thru the automatic door and made a left. I followed behind closely. I didn't want to get lost. It wasn't like I had a phone to really call anyone and be like " hey can you come get me." my phone service had been shut off a week ago. It was apparent that my mother knew I was missing and that was probably the only thing she could think of to do to get me to go back to my uncles.

Since I had taken out the GPS chip in the back of the phone she couldn't go around tracking me. I figured I could get a different service on it when I got a job. I would be eighteen soon and I could legally do as I pleased.

Leah made that left and we entered into a waiting area. Liam and Adam stood near the right side of the area just watching the double doors. Leah walked up to Liam and put her small hand inside of his larger one. He put his arm around her and she put her arm around his back. I wanted to go and comfort Adam, so I got closer and the look on his face told me that things didn't look so well.

"We need to do this soon" Liam's husky voice broke the silence that was of our group.

"Quiet" Leah said in a hushed tone.

"We will." Adam replied looking over at me.

I suddenly felt this overwhelming dread when Adam looked at me. I was standing behind him. I plopped down in the seats that were directly next to us and sighed loudly. I didn't know what they were referring to but it didn't sound all that good.

Eventually everyone sat down. Adam sat next to me and put his arms over the hand rest soon he leaned forward and rested his hands on his head and bowed over. Liam was sitting with Leah, on a love seat. After a bit of time she ended up, draped over his lap with her head on his thigh. I noticed that her fingers drawing circles on the arm that was over her waist. Liam relaxed after a while, his once tense body sighed loudly and his eyes drifted closed. I watched Adam as he rubbed his hands together back and forth, as if trying to make a fire.

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