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Levi texted Erwin to send someone to slash a small hole in the Jaegers car tire outside of the house. He wanted it done within 15 minutes which certainly enraged Erwin. He hated Levi's last minute plans.
As Levi returned to the table, he made small talk with Eren and Carla mostly. Grisha remained pretty much curt as if he didn't want Levi in the house or anyone for that matter. After about fifteen minutes Levi decided it was time he asked for a ride, "Frankly, I'm quite ashamed to say this, but I left my wallet in my car so I can't call a Taxi. I know all of you have been very kind to me, and I'd really appreciate it if I can get a ride to my house somehow." Eren nodded his head several times, "Mom I can give him a ride before I go pick up Mikasa and Armin." "Alright dear, but you two be careful. I heard the roads are starting to freeze over."
   Eren stood from the dinner table and ran to give his mother a quick kiss on the cheek. He nodded his head at his dad and ran upstairs afterwards. Levi quickly heard the thumping sounds of him running back down stairs with his thin sweater and a beanie. Seriously underdressed for the weather.
   Levi waved goodbye to the Jaegers with a fake smile glued onto his face. Before entering Eren's car, Levi decided he should ask to drive. The boy only smiled happily as he practically skipped to the passenger seat. Levi wanted to click his tongue in annoyance; the brat is overly happy, something he never really was.
   Right when Levi sat in the car, the brat managed to annoy him more. In fact, he managed to make Levi want to bash his skull into the dashboard. "You probably need to adjust the seat and mirrors since you're way way waaayyy shorter than - Never mind." Only if Eren knew, Levi would of killed him if he wasn't undercover. Levi could only narrow his eyes a bit to not make it obvious that he was enraged. He could tell that Eren was giggling slightly to himself. Levi gripped the steering wheel tightly, some day he'd have his revenge.
   As they backed out of the driveway, Eren blared some type of new hip hop music that made Levi want to cringe. These kids now and days don't know what good music is.
   After about ten to fifteen minutes of Eren rambling on and on about random stuff, the car tire began to reach its limit. The car began to skid as Levi tried to stop at a stop light. Of course, he easily controlled the problem.
   Levi wanted to burst into laughter at the amount of fear that reached Eren. Instead, like a good undercover cop, he asked if Eren was okay. The boy only nodded as he stepped out of the vehicle. Once he got his breath, the boy began to thank Levi, "If I were driving, we could've died. I'm so glad you offered to drive. It is easier for us to get to your house also, but you saved us." Talk about melodramatic. "Eren everything's okay. We were lucky that there was no car behind us." Levi made sure of that.
   Levi checked the tires, pretending he didn't know what happened. Eren stood by not knowing anything about cars; it just made it easier to lie. "I can call the mechanic my car is at; that way they can change your tires. The problem is that I can tell that it won't be done by tomorrow." "Don't stress about it. I can pay for a ride or you can stay at my place."
   Levi could tell Eren was trembling, damn brat should've worn a coat. Levi removed his coat and tossed it at Eren. "You know you should've worn a coat." "Wait. Aren't you going to be cold?" "I can handle it. Obviously you can't." "Are you calling me weak?" "Yes."
   It all happened too fast after that. The boy bent down and got a huge handful of snow and planted it right in the center of Levi's face. As it slipped off, Levi was ready to kill. Eren shielded himself with Levi's coat, but he didn't expect Levi to shove him into the snow. Eren landed with his back flat on the ground and Levi stood above him ready to claim the win. Eren scooped his feet beneath him; Levi fell with one leg between Eren's thigh and the other on the other side of his leg. His arms were keeping him from face planting right into Eren's  face as well. Eren laughed beautifully. The look of joy on his face predominant even Levi couldn't help but genuinely smile. Damn brat got him.
   Eren couldn't help but admire the strong steel look of Levi's eyes; they were unique. Simultaneously, Levi admired the teal abyss of Eren's orbs, breathtaking. Levi realized what position they were in as a couple passed while clearing their throats, obviously not normal. Levi stood and dusted the snow off his pants and helped Eren stand. Eren laughed lightly as he said, "That was fun." "Come on brat. Let's go to your house."
"Hey don't call me that," Eren said with a pout. This only made Levi chuckle. They were getting comfortable; he could only wait to call him brat with a negative connotation rather than a joking matter.
Eren opened the door without even thinking about knocking. The walk home took about thirty minutes. They had small talk and Levi could not wait to push his buttons about not having a girlfriend later. He knew the boy was gay, but he needed him to say it. That way, he could make his move. He had decided to go forth with Erwin's manipulation. He'd get all he needed from the easiest person to get to.
"Mom, we are back." "Eren, Rivaille, I'm surprised to see you back. What happened?" Eren explained what happened to the tire and how "Rivaille" probably saved their life. Levi wanted to burst into laughter, he's the one that planned for it to happen in the first place. Oh well, he got what he wanted, an overnight stay at the Jaegers.

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