In Motion

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   Eren woke up the next morning excited and ready to see Rivaille. As he went down stairs that morning, he felt as if he had the best sleep of his life. Entering his kitchen, he couldn't get Rivaille off his mind. Yes, they only just met, but holy shit was he attractive. From the moment he opened the door looking for help, Eren was already drawn in by his silver eyes and heavy gaze. Eren could tell that that man had a flip side. Little did he know that he was an undercover detective, but he was right.
   Once breakfast was set up on the dinning room table, Eren knew he had to tell his parents about where he'd be going tonight. The inner child within Eren told him to say the truth, admit that he is gay and wants to go on a date with Rivaille. But as he glanced at his father, stiff shoulders and natural frown he thought against it. Between mouth fulls, Eren spoke, "Armin messaged me asking if I could go out with him tonight." Grisha continued eating and Carla looked up from her meal. "He said he'd pick me up, so we could go to a party and catch up." "That's nice darling; try to be home before two a.m." He only nodded his head as he shoved another forkful of waffles into his mouth. Eren never liked lying to his parents, but he doubts they'd approve of a man at least ten years older than him.
As the time arrived to leave, Eren triple checked his outfit. He really wanted to look like a qualified adult worthy of a classy man like Rivaille. He awaited a text telling him that his future boyfriend had arrived.
   When Levi pulled up in his Mercedes Benz, he texted Eren to come outside. Levi exited the car just to greet Eren with a gentle kiss and a warm hello. Eren not being able to resist leaned in for another. Once the brat seemed satisfied, Levi opened the door to the passenger seat for Eren to get in. This was going to be easy, Levi thought as he put the car in reverse and drove to Club Crista.
"Interesting choice of a place Rivaille," Eren said as he exited the Mercedes. Levi reached for Eren's hand to hold as they walked towards the entrance, "It's the closest place to get a good drink by your home. I wouldn't want to bring you home late." Eren glanced at Levi and could tell he was teasing. The teal eyed boy glanced at the ground as he thought maybe the age gap would pose a problem.
As their hands warmed up with fingers intertwined they walked into the club. The heavy lights and pounding music made Eren gaze all across the club. Woman's bodies pressed against poles as they grinded onto it, a sweaty mess. Eren looked back at Levi to see where his eyes trailed, but blushed to notice that he was looking at him. "Eren you look great," Levi's steel gray eyes melted Eren and could have the power of making him fall to his knees. Levi reached for Eren's face with his free hand and Eren leaned down to join for a quick kiss. As they pulled away they made their way towards the bar.
Eren felt sort of out of place as they sat at the bar together making small talk about almost everything. Eren couldn't help but notice as all the men flashed their bills at the filthy women. Levi noticed and decided to get some input on his view of strippers, "So Eren, what do you think of these women?" Eren turned back to face Levi, "What do you mean? If you're asking if they catch my attention they don't." Levi let out a light laugh, "I am not jealous; I wanted to know your opinion on their life style." Eren looked towards the closest woman on a pole, she trailed closely to the men around her as bills were slipped into her underwear.
"I wouldn't want to be them. It's pretty disappointing how they showcase their bodies like that." Levi smiled as he brought the glass of bourbon to his lips. It's going to be one o'clock soon, his mother should be showing up.
Eren turned to Levi and he reached for the bourbon from his hands, "Do you drink often?" "Not really, just every now and then." Levi glanced at the drink Eren ordered, "I can see that you aren't a huge fan of anything strong." "That isn't true fully, I just need to make sure I can walk up the stairs of my house." Eren drank from Levi's cup as he said that. The uncomfortable feeling that age was a problem still gnawed at his mind, "I just realized that I haven't asked how old you are?" "I am thirty-five." Fourteen year gap.
Eren shifted the glass from hand to hand and Levi raised an eyebrow at him. "Is my age bothering you?" Eren's eyes widened, "No, of course not, Rivaille. I just want to be a suitable fit for you." "I think you're overestimating my worth. You are a much better person than I am." Trust me, echoed in Levi's mind as he saw Eren's mother walk onto the stage. Levi made sure Eren was looking at him as his eyes widened. "What," Eren looked back and Levi burst out, "Eren wait no." He had to seem like the good guy.
Eren looked over everything not quite sure what Levi saw until he saw her, his own mother stripping off her trench coat as she kneeled forward towards the men who reached for her with bills. No, was the only word that echoed in Eren's brain. As Eren walked forward towards Carla, Levi kept his distance. He didn't want her to see him as well. As Eren was in complete view of his mother he screamed out Carla not able to say mom or mother. The woman looked around the room until her eyes fell onto Eren. Her heart seemed to stop as she staggered off the stage and snatched her coat from the ground. Eren followed after as he forced his way through the filthy group of men who eyed his mother. He could see her as she covered up and he burst out the side door Carla had went in through the other night. Levi trailed behind them.
Eren made it down a few blocks as he panted for air. He looked back to see his mother with heels in hand as she tried to catch up, Eren's name on the tip of her tongue. Get away, Eren wanted to scream. Never would he have imagined seeing his mother like that, exposed to others out in the open. Eren sprinted across the street and Levi saw everything happen as if in slow motion.
Carla chased after him as a car rammed right into her. Her eyes were too concentrated on her son that she didn't look to see if a car was coming. The sound of screeching tires followed after the huge thud that echoed in both Levi's and Eren's ears. Levi combed his hand through his hair as he sprinted towards Carla; this wasn't supposed to happen. Eren's scream broke the sudden silence that had come forth and Levi's pulse raced. No, this was all his fault.
As the ambulance appeared, Levi was pushed with the rest of the bystanders. He watched as they recovered her body, from what he heard, Carla Jaeger died on impact. Her brain immediately began to bleed and her ribs crushed into her lungs. She had no chance of fighting. Eren was collapsed onto his knees motionless. Levi decided he should be there for him. At least, help him get home to tell his father. He pushed his way through the crowd that formed and made his way towards the cops blocking the people from getting closer. He explained that he knew the boy and was going to take him home.
As he approached Eren, his heart rate increased with every nearing step. When he placed a hand on him, his heart stopped. I did this, those words kept circulating in Levi's head. Little did he know they also circulated in Eren's. Eren didn't look up to see who touched him, he just stayed there where he sat staring at the ground. "Eren," Levi's words sounded like a croak from his dry mouth. Eren suddenly stood from where he sat and ran. Levi was surprised by the sudden action and watched as Eren sprinted away. By the time he realized what just happened Levi tried to catch up with him. He called and called his name but after a few streets trailed behind him, he lost the boy as he came up towards an intersection; he couldn't tell in what direction he had went.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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