Chapter 3

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Jodie's POV

I don't know how she did it, but she did. Eboni jumped from one rooftop to another. I stand there frozen as Lu, Alyse and Nami do the same. How...? Are they crazy? I think as Marley and I are still standing there in shock from Eboni's jump. Then I hear the sound of my friends telling us to jump but it sounds jumbled and distant.

Marley's hand on my shoulder snaps me back to reality. "On three?" She asks and I nod in response. "One... two... three!" She counts before we jump for our lives, and I miss.

I dangle over the edge, holding onto dear life while zombies reach for my legs. "Jodie!" I hear Alyse say in a panicked voice. Jaz and Marley grab my wrists and drag my body up onto the building.

I collapse onto the roof, and try and calm my shaking body. I'm never going to do that again, I think to myself as I stare at the distance that I attempted to jump. The sound must have attracted more of them because all I can see between the buildings is thousands of zombies stumbling towards us in all directions. "C'mon, we have to jump to the next one as well" Jaz says before once again jumping from one building to another. We all look at her like she's crazy, which she most likely is. "This one isn't as far, come on! Jump!" She orders in her usual, stop being a baby and do it way. God, why? I ask myself as Alyse and Lu hold hands and jump followed by Nami.

"Oh no!" I yell "I'm not doing that again! Did you miss the part where I nearly didn't make it!?" I ask in frustration and anger.

Then I feel two people grab one of my hands each and they just jump, taking me with them. I scream for my life as I am crossing the gap between the buildings with Marley and Eboni holding either hand.

We land, and this time I'm okay... mostly. Jaz kneels down next to me and asks "you really that scared Jodie?" All I can do is nod because I'm afraid that if I open my mouth I'll  start to cry. Jaz sighs and stands up before saying "there is another way, but you guys won't like it and I can't guarantee how safe we'll be" I look at her with hope, completely unaware of what is in store for us.
Lu's POV

A sewage system? We're in a sewage system! Jaz has taken us to a sewage system in order to bypass the zombies without jumping from one building to another. We stumble through the pipes with Jaz in the lead, gagging on the foul smell as we go. "We didn't have to go this way did we?" Asks Eboni who is two people ahead of me.

"Yes, we did" replies Jodie who sounds relieved to not be jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

God this place gets worse by the second, I think as I try not to lose my breakfast because of the stench. Every couple of minutes you can hear one of the zombies groan. To think people have died down here, I think before we all stop at a ladder "stay here, I'll check it out" Jaz tells us before climbing up the ladder and poking her head out of the sewer. "We're in luck! None around" she says as she climbs out of this hell hole with the rest of us not far behind.

"Ah, sunshine, fresh unfoul air. Oh,  how I have missed you" Jodie says after she climbs out of the sewer, which I agree with.

"Right, if we go north, we should reach the next town in an hour" Jaz says whilst looking at a map and walking in what I'm guessing is north while the rest of us lay on the toasty ground behind her. "Hey Nami, have you got the..." she asks before she realises that we aren't even walking but sunbathing.  She turns back and stands over us, blocking the sun "hey, what are-?" She starts to ask before she is cut off.

"Shhhhh, sunbathing" I say with my eyes closed. Maybe if we did this more often, things would be so much calmer, I think to myself.

Then out of absolutely no where, I hear a scream.

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